Chapter Forty-Four: Jealous of Stefan

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Again." He asks. Begs me as if he doesn't believe I just spoke the words out loud.

"I love you," I whisper and his face lights up. I knew he wanted to hear that I loved him but I had no idea how much. He needed this and I was so glad I was able to finally tell him how I felt.

"Say it again." He murmurs, bringing his face down to my mine and laying gentle kisses.

"I love you, Warner," I repeat, my breathing becoming shallow.

"Is this really happening? I want so badly for this to be real." His voice shakes and my heart squeezes at the sound of it.

"This is real," I say. "I was wrong about everything. I am so incredibly glad you came back into my life because it let me get to know the real you. All this time you were right here and I had no idea how amazing you were. I couldn't have done this year without you Warner, I don't know if I would even be here I-"

I'm cut off by Warner's lips pressing against mine. He lifts up the big t-shirt I'm wearing. His palms run up my legs, his thumbs pressing into my inner thighs with a harshness that makes my stomach tighten in an unexpected way.

"They say that your first love won't be your only love but for me, you are both Juliet. I loved you when I was 8 years old, I loved you at 13, I loved you at 16. And this year I got to fall in love with you all over again..." he pauses getting himself together "And now you love me." He says the last part like he still can't believe it, like me loving him was impossible.

"I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. You are just the most amazing, strong beautiful girl I have ever met and somehow you are choosing me. You love me" he smiles to himself but his hands move higher up my thigh.

"Spread your legs." His command is rough. With an unsteady inhale, I comply. He rips off my t-shirt and yanks me closer by the back of the neck until my bare breasts press against his chest. My breathing is erratic as he growls in my ear, "Now put me out of my misery, and let me taste you."

His thumb presses down on my clit through the fabric of my thong. His grip tightens in my hair, forcing my head back, and then he sucks a nipple into his mouth. His thumb brushes over my clit, up and down, while holding a fistful of my hair so I can't even look down. He groans from deep in his chest and switches breasts, licking and then sucking with a slight scrape of teeth. An embarrassing sound escapes me, but I am so hot everywhere that I don't care.

"You did so well today," he murmurs. "Such a good girl."

His words wrap around me like a soft blanket and spark another ember of heat in my stomach. I guess this is what happens when girls who crave academic validation grow up... they develop a praise kink.

He tugs aside the strip of material shielding my core, which thankfully I had gotten waxed with Abby yesterday. "Fuck. Now I'm the only one who gets to do this." He runs his thumb down the seam of my clit. "Understood?"

Geez, Warner was not holding back today. I nod, as if in a trance. What was the use of saying no? Nobody would ever compare to Warner.

His lips ghost up my inner thigh, fingers hooking into the sides of my underwear. "Lift up," he rumbles, nipping at my sensitive skin with his teeth. "I want them off." I inch my hips up enough for Warner to peel the thong down my legs and drop it on the floor with the rest of my clothes.

I spread my legs once more, past the point of rational thought. His gaze falls between my thighs. He gives his head a shake, running a hand down his shirt. "Fuck" That's all he says before his arm wraps around the backs of my thighs, he jerks me to the edge of the bed, and then his head lowers between them. I shudder under the first touch of his tongue. A deep rush of pleasure floods me as Warner's tongue snakes down slowly through me.

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