Chapter Thirty-Six: You Don't Deserve Him

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I had enough champagne that I stopped worrying. I hadn't seen Kenji since the raffle incident, nor had I seen Warner since we first arrived. Adam and I stood with Amy and Sarah, sipping our drinks and watching the player's parents embarrass themselves dancing in the great hall.

I had so much champagne that I desperately needed to pee. Once I finally found an empty bathroom upstairs, I stepped out and heard Warner's voice. 

His back is to me, and he has a guy held against the wall. James Stone. The last time I saw James, I insulted him about the pimple on his face. He commented on that post of me. The comment that sent me into a spiral, the one tagging Warner 'Does this count as charity work?

James is cowering from Warner, blood dripping from his nose. I thought back to Marko's face, and I step back further into the bathroom, scared to be seen. When Warner said, he would deal with everyone who commented, I did not know he meant like this. How bad had he beaten Marko to get him to apologize?

Curiosity got the best of me, and I peered back out to the hallway.

"At first didn't get it. I thought to myself, how could a man could enjoy humiliating and hurting someone?" Warner's voice was lethal. I had never heard him use this tone.

He clutched a fistful of James' hair, yanking him up to his eye level.

"But I get it now. This is fun." he smiled at James, and the smile promised violence.

I had ended things, so he didn't have to defend me all the time and here he was defending me anyway. I knew I should be scared of the display in front of me, fear the anger in Warner's eyes or the blood dripping down James's face. But I wasn't. I was embarrassed to admit it, but it made me love him more. I wanted to press him against the wall and press my lips against his. God, was this turning me on? I needed serious help.

I didn't know what to do. Do I step out and let him see me? Or do I stay here till they're done? My decision was made for me because when I stepped out of the bathroom to get another look, Warner's head snapped in my direction.

He froze, and his whole body stiffened as if he was scared of me witnessing the display of violence. He dropped James and let him fall to the floor. James made no move to get up until Warner grunted, "Go before I change my mind. Remember what I said."

All I could do was gape at him, at the blood crusting his knuckles and the matching bruises on his other hand. As if he had been beating people up all week. And after seeing Marko's face, I think he has. I cringed to myself, and Warner saw.

"What, Juliet? You told me I didn't defend you enough back in the day. In fact, you reminded me of my failure to protect you time and time again. So, I'm doing it now. Do you now have a problem with how I'm defending you?"

He was angry. He thought I cringed in disgust. But it wasn't that.

"I didn't say anything."

"Good because I may not have defended you a year ago, but I will break the face and bone of any man who tries to disrespect you or insult you again."

I swallow the lump in my throat, reaching for words and press my legs together. Warner was angry at me; why was the area between my legs heating up? Was I some kind of sadist? Why did I enjoy seeing him defend me this way?

It must be the champagne. Warner was eyeing me up and down, the red gown I wore. The way it hugged what was left of my curves.

"Nice Dress. It's red," He says matter of factly. I think of how Maggie told me he wrote that note, and I feel a blush creeping onto my face.

"Did you wear that dress for me?" he asks, giving me another once over.


"Liar." He smiles at me, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Then he turns and goes back downstairs without another glance in my direction.

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