Mrs Miller is one thirsty old woman

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The school bell rings to signify the end of the day. 'Finally. the weekend. It's about motherfucking time' I think to myself.

I could bet that all the clocks and anything that shows the time is somehow slowed purposefully to make the school day last longer.

Whether it's either the principle, Santa or the flipping Easter bunny that make sure we suffer longer, whoever  the culprit is best hope I never find out who they are. I've got a black belt in Taecanfu.

I keep up my interesting train of thought all the way to Miller's baked treats, My workplace and most favourite place in the world next to my bedroom. I push open the light pink painted door and step into the warm Bakery, the little jingle at the top of the door announcing my presence. The sweet aroma wraps around me like a hug and I sigh in content, clutching my book against my chest.

" Welcome, Welcome whoever you are!" I hear Mrs. Miller's British accented voice speak and I smile.

She steps into view from the kitchen and as usual, she looks timelessly elegant. She's wearing a cream blouse with ruffles around the collar and sleeves and her white apron, black pants, pearl earrings, and she has her grey hair pinned up in a fancy updo hairstyle; with her glasses perched on top.

"Hi, Mrs. M" I reply to the 68 -year -old boss who I consider my grandma.

"My little Lily flower! Good that you dropped in. I've been turning the place upside down and downside up searching for my glasses. I can hardly see a thing without them. Do you perhaps know where they might be?" She asks me, looking around.

I laugh. "Yes I have Mrs. M. they're in your hair". She feels the top of her head, and takes the glasses out of her hair, sighing at herself and putting them back onto  her face.

" Typical. Of course they were on my head the whole time. It's a good thing I have you around, Lily flower. I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached to my neck" Mrs. M chuckled. Then her eyes zero in on my book, 50 shades of grey, and her eyes widen.

" My goodness Lily, that is one fine hunk of a man" She giggles fanning her face with one manicured hand. I roll my eyes at her and hide the cover of the book from her. I don't want her to have a heart attack.

"Too bad his looks don't extent to his personality" I tell her.

Yes, Christian Grey is one toxic ass Man and Ana could be really stupid, but the books are a comical masterpiece. which is why this is my 7th time reading them again. It's the same as Twilight. The plot is all over the place, Bella has no personality, Edward is a 104 year old creep who glitters in the Sun, and Jacob has a thing for barely newborn baby, but that doesn't stop the movies and books being
being a must to read or watch.

Mrs. M shakes her head. " As long as any good looking man pins me against the wall like that, he can be as toxic as he likes. Besides, He's called Christian right? he can't be that bad with such a reverent name" She stubbornly states.

I sigh fondly at the thirsty old woman in front of me, and walk behind the counter.  I go to put My book on a high shelf and put on my own apron.  I notice the tray of chocolate eclairs are almost empty, and go to the kitchen and get some more, All while Mrs. M is ranting about how all the most good looking men only exist in books and movies.

'Caleb is real though' That annoyingly smug voice in the back of my head speaks.

Shut up Lily, he has a girlfriend, I scold myself for thinking about him like that.  He's in a stable relationship and I have to respect that. Even in my head.

I walk out of the kitchen with the tray of fresh and warm eclairs. Just as I'm putting them behind the glass display of treats, The door bell jingles. I look up ready to welcome a customer with a cheerful smile on my face, and my green eyes meet with hazel ones that are extremely familiar to me.

He had messy dark hair, sun tanned skin and a lazily charming smile. A smile aimed at me as he walks up to the counter.

" Welcome to Miller's baked treats, what can I get for you?" I greet him cheerfully. He doesn't even seem to be listening to me, as his eyes are glued to my chest.

A instant feeling of discomfort rises in me, and I cross my arms over my chest. There's not much to look at anyway.

When he doesn't answer me for a few minutes and continues to stare at my top half. My patience dwindles, annoyance settles in, and I snap my fingers in his face. Boys run on testosterone.

That finally snaps him out of his heated trance, and he clears his throat awkwardly, and his eyes finally meet mine.

" What can I get for you?" I ask him again, this time less brighter.

" 4 double chocolate chip cookies, and make sure they're not stale" He answers me cockily. My eyes narrow. I really don't like the way he said that.

" I'd prefer it if you didn't talk to me in that tone. And it wouldn't kill you to say please either" I retort, folding my arms.

He leans forward across the counter. "Feisty little thing aren't you?" He smirks.

What can I say, It's the red hair.

I glare at him and refuse to break eye contact, Even though my heart is racing out of panic.  his condescending tone of voice was for sure guaranteeing him No double chocolate chip cookies.

Before I can say anything, Mrs. Miller walks down the stairs. The rude dude turns to see who it is, and I could swear I saw him roll his eyes quickly.

" Lily flower, I need your help with this Internet thing. The connection is acting up-" She abruptly stops talking once she notices The customer. she squeals in delight before rushing down the rest of the steps to embrace him.

Mrs. Miller has been lonely since Mr. Miller died, and she does always talk about 'getting into the dating zone' again, and I'm not one to judge, But isn't this guy just a bit too young for her?

"Charles My Son!" She cries out in joy. " I haven't seen you in so long, My goodness, look how much you've grown darling" Mrs. M fondly strokes his cheek.

Oh. He's her son. Now, I realize where I've seen those hazel eyes before. It's too bad such a sweet soul ended up with a jerk like him.

" Hello Mother" He smiles wanly. For some reason, he didn't seem too excited to see her.

" You didn't happen to be flirting with my little Lily flower where you?"  Mrs. M pretends to scold me. "She is a gorgeous Girl, but for goodness sake, leave the poor thing alone. You have a new female on your arm each week" She looks at him reproachfully.

So he's rude, arrogant and a player? As if I needed more of a reason to dislike him.

Mrs. M then turns to me. " Consider your shift over now my dear. I want to use this time to catch up with my dear boy here.  Thank you for your help" She smiles at me. I grin back at her ,and take off my apron, hanging it on the rack. I walk from behind the counter and hug Mrs. M.

" Bye Mrs. M. I'll see you next week." I tell her.

"See you soon Lily flower." She hugs me back.

" But wait, what about my cookies?" Charles asks me before I walk out the Bakery. I just give him a withering look.

" Sorry. My shift is over" I say, before leaving.


It's at least one in the morning when I finally finish Victoria's assignment and my homework. My parents arguing stopped not too long ago, and I was  relishing the peace and quiet.

I stood up exhausted, and collapsed onto my Bed, Immediately falling fast asleep, My headphones that blocked out the cruel words my parents were throwing at each other, still on my head.

'Fake smiling? I'm a professional at that' - Quote by Unknown

                               Author's note

      The first few chapters are basically fillers, but then I Promise the story will get interesting.


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