In a 100 days

386 11 18

TW: mentions of rape

1 year ago
"Butterfly! you look gorgeous" Jack greets me, as he opens the front door to let me in. I blush at his compliment and thank him shyly. I had worn this short black dress that, honestly I didn't really feel  comfortable in. But jack had told me he liked it, so I bought it to make him happy.

It's all your fault Lily.

"Let's go to my room. We'll watch the movie on my Tv" he said, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs.

Why did you follow him?

His hand causally trailed up my exposed thigh as we watched the film. Reaching up further and further. "No Jack. I'm not ready for that yet" I tell him softly.

You should have tried harder to stop him.

"C'mon Butterfly. Please?" He pleaded. I shook my head. He leaned closer, and kissed me. I somewhat reluctantly kissed him back.

You were giving him mixed signals.

His hand slid up my dress as he laid me down on the bed. "Jack stop. I don't want to have sex with you yet." I try to sit up but he holds me down.

Why would you lead him on if you didn't want to Lily?

He continues kissing and touching me. Ignoring my pleads for him to stop. He reaches up to the top of my dress and rips the fabric open. He begins to unclip my bra and lays his hand on my breast, using his other to hold me down.

No matter how much I cry, and beg he won't stop. Eventually, I give up, and let him. I close my eyes, and pray that it will be over soon.

Its too bad you didn't know about the recording camera in his room.

It's all your fault Lily.

Your fault, your fault, your fault.

There's a sound of consistent beeping, and I feel a soft pressure on my hand. The back of my head is killing me, and my whole body feels sore. I'm somehow hot and cold at the same time. I open my eyes slowly, and the world swims before my eyes. It takes a while to focus.

Where am I?

I reach one of my hands up to my forehead to shield my eyes from the blinding light. A hospital room. That's where I am. I look down at my bed, and see Caleb sitting in a chair, right beside me, holding my hand tightly, and tracing faint circles on it. I try to sit up, but a sharp pain shoots through the back of my head. So I lay back down on the big soft pillow.

I begin to cough suddenly, catching his attention. "Carrots! Thank God you're up" He says, his voice collapsing with heavy relief. He reaches to the little table beside me, and hands me a cup of water. I take a long drink, and the coughing subsides.

"Where am I? What happened?" I ask him, my voice weak. Some fragments of my memory begin to get back in place, and I furrow my eyebrow in confusion. The football game we won. Victoria. The party.

Caleb clenches his jaw in anger and for some reason, his eyes narrow on my neck. "Lee walked into one of Damien's guest bedrooms to find a quiet place to read and saw you on the bed. You were already unconscious, and there was another guy in there with you. He said he found you in there with your neck covered in hickeys" Caleb explains.

I swallow hard. "What happened after?" I question. What happened to Jack?

"Lee was pretty pissed, thinking the guy with you had something to do with it. He however, said he had just walked into the bedroom by accident, looking for a bathroom. Said you were already laying on the bed with hickeys on your neck." Caleb's tone, suggests he doubts the story Jack told them.

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