You pay for food, but get a Teen drama instead

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Trigger warning: SA

"Oh my God!" I say for what must be the thousandth time.

Hadiya rolls her eyes at me through the laptop screen as she finishes removing her makeup. "Lily, girl, shut up now. It's just hair."

I will never get over this feeling of specialty at being allowed to see what Hadiya's hair looks like underneath her a hijab. And oh, such nice hair it is too. I'll need a list of all the hair care products she uses.

"I can't help it!" I defend myself. I had nearly fallen off my desk chair in shock when Hadiya had casually taken off her light pink hijab while telling me how Mrs.M had nearly burnt down the bakery by letting the brownies stay in the oven for a bit too long.

Hadiya laughs, flipping her hair for show. "Honestly, I can't really blame you. Continue staring, Habibti" she says, applying a peel off face mask. Which reminds me, I need her skincare products too.

"Now I'm dying to know-"

"I literally am-"

"Child, shush. What part of your bucket list have you completed so far? " She asks. I smile fondly at the thought of the memories I'd recently created tapping my pen to my notebook to match the rhythm of the raindrops pelting my window.

"We went to Hawaii and came back a few days ago." Hadiya gives me a expectant look and I just blink back at her. She sighs impatiently.

"Am I deemed worthy enough of a description of how that trip went?".

"Oh!" I gasp and rapidly begin telling her everything from our three days in Hawaii. She nods, and laughs, and awes through the entire thing, and when I'm finished basically threatens me for photos. I nod hastily in promise, scared shitless for my life.

She nods in triumph, and as she peels off her mask, she gasps as if remembering something. "Oh, I forgot to tell you! You had a friend coming into the bakery while you were gone looking for you. He left you a note and told me to give it to you." I notice how slightly guilty she sounds.

I tilt my head and narrow my eyes at her suspiciously. "You read it didn't you?"

She nods sheepishly. "Maybe... but I'd like to add that it wasn't my fault! He wrote something down on a piece of paper, left it on the counter, and didn't even bother to seal it. My eyes caught it and and accidentally read what he said" She explains innocently, giving me purposeful doe eyes.

I shake my head and laugh. "Sure, sure. So what did he say?"

She picks up a little post it note from her desk off camera and then faces me again, beginning to read: " 'You can't have a good summer without me, Lily! So I added my number onto this note so we can talk. I'd really like if you hurried and added my digits to your contacts. Wrong Videos end up in the wrong hands, butterfly. Jack.' " Hadiya shrugs when she finishes reading. "Makes no sense to me, but oh well."

I'd long since known who'd written the note before Hadiya could even speak his name. My head spins, and the rain suddenly sounds more aggressive. I clutch onto my pen and desk tighter than what's normal, and I forget all else as words that should have no malicious meaning behind them swirl through my head.

Wrong Videos. Wrong hands. Jack. Butterfly, Butterfly, butterfly.

I can hear the threat in the words as if it were his own voice speaking to me.

I breathe in a much needed, open-mouthed gust of air. "Sorry Hadiya," I manage to find my voice. "I need to go." I don't even bother coming up with an excuse.

"Of course. Are you ok?" She asks me, concerned. I nod, near frantic.

"Yup. uh huh. I'm perfectly fine. I just remembered, I have to run an errand for my mom before she gets home." Hadiya nods.

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