Operation: Begin the bucket list, is a go

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"No. No. No. Absolutely not". Mom sits down on a kitchen chair angrily, slamming her coffee cup on the table with more force than necessary, resulting in a bit of the liquid splashing on the table.

I sigh, brushing my hair away from my eyes. I knew trying to convince Mom to let me travel the world in order to complete a bucket list of things to do before I took my last breath wasn't going to be easy.But I had really underestimated her stubbornness. We'd been arguing about this for the last half- hour,

"Mom, at least think about it. Please? I don't want to sit around, doing nothing extraordinary, wasting time." Dad nods in agreement.

"You know how precious and valuable Lily's time has become since-"she cuts him off abruptly.

"I know, I know" she snaps. Then she turns to me. "What does this list of your consist of again?"

"Taking trips, sightseeing, travelling the world. Things like that" I reply.

"That is exactly why I'm so against this idea. You'll be leaving the country a lot obviously, considering what you just said about travelling the world. Is it even safe to travel that much considering...y-your condition?" She says.

"I'm going to a checkup at the hospital later today to make sure. But I know a lot of cancer patients travel, so I'm sure I can" I tell her.

"Even so, what if, for example, you're in Paris or something and your heart suddenly stops beating? I won't be there with you. I won't get to say goodbye".

That makes us all go quiet for a few minutes. But then I push a chair out, and sit next to her, taking one of her hands. "I understand that Mom, really I do. And I don't mean to be selfish, but I just want to enjoy every second of this summer. Every second of the theoretical last three months of my life. And I want to do that by completing this list" I say softly.

"You can't stop Lily from really living what she has left of her life, Alice. Let her go make unforgettable memories, with or without us" Dad joins in. Mom gives him a look that isn't the usual glower, but doesn't lack the disdain.

"I'm assuming you already said yes?" She asks, folding her arms. Dad nods, almost visibly shrinking back at her icy expression.

Mom stays silent for a few minutes, considering me. I can see it in her eyes that there's a war waging between the two different sides of her brain, battling to make a final decision. I bite my lip anxiously while Dad taps his fingers on the table in anticipation.

She keeps us in tortured silence for a while, until finally, she sighs in resignation. "Fine. But you have to call us every day. And I mean, every day. And I swear Lily, If you forget to call even once, I'll fly to wherever the hell you are, and drag you back home" She threatens.

I throw my arms around her, and squeal in happiness. "Yes, ok, fine. I promise! Thank you so much Mom." She laughs somewhat weakly, and hugs me back. I hug Dad next before running out of the kitchen, upstairs, and into my bedroom. I pick up my phone off my desk and text into the group chat.

Lily: convinced my mom to let me do the bucket list<3 U all got permission right?

Ethan: Whoop whoop 🙌, and yeah :)

Lee: yes.

Damien: Had to beg my parents for ages, but yessss

Keisha: weird, they immediately gave me permission the second I asked

Damien: WHAT?!

Caleb: well we know who the fav child is

Diego: it's cause Keisha is more trustworthy

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