Good days

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I softly hum a made up tune as I take the newly baked chocolate cupcakes out of the oven in the back kitchen of Mrs. Miller's Bakery and set them on the counter to cool. I allow myself to feel twinge of pride, and mentally clap myself on the back at how not a single one of them has even the slightest of burns.

Just then, I hear the little bell tingling, indicating that someone had entered the bakery.  Today was a really busy day. Mrs. M's baking business was beginning to attract a lot of costumers with her amazing desserts and cute shop design. As it should.

I leave the kitchen, and walk quickly into the main area of the shop where the goods are on display and purchased. I walk behind the counter, and beam at the adorable little boy holding a teddy bear and a woman I assume is his mother.

"Hi! welcome to Miller's baked treats. What can I get for you?" I ask cheerily. Putting on a overly chirpy persona gets me more tips. My tip jar is already half way full.

The woman smiles at me tiredly at me and turns to look at the kid beside her. "What would you like honey?" She questions him. His big brown eyes flit over the case displaying all kinds of baked goods.

His eyes seem tired as well, and that's when I notice their appearance. The mother's black hair is in a messy ponytail, their clothes and shoes seem worn and faded, and even the little boy's teddy looks tattered.

"C-can I please have a brownie?" He asks me in a shy voice. I internally aw and nod, smiling  at him.

"Of course you can" I tell him. I take a small white and pink striped paper bag from the shelves behind me, and use the tongs to pick up a brownie that looks like the biggest  chocolatiest of them all, and put it in. 

"That'll be 4 dollars please" I say. The woman fumbles through her jacket pocket and pulls out a few crumpled dollars. She counts them quickly, and her face falls. My smile slips a little at the sadness on her face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her, my tone a bit worried. She looks at the small bag in my hands and sighs.

"I'm so sorry. I thought I had more, but I only have 2 dollars. I spent the other ten on a few groceries". She then turns to her son. "I'm sorry baby but I don't have enough for your brownie. I promise I'll try to get you a birthday treat before the day is out" She tells him softly.

"It's okay, Momma. You already got me  Mr. Teddy" He assures his mother, hugging the bear to his chest.

My heart swells from the scene in front of me, and I hold out the bag to the kid. "Call it a second present from me. Free of charge".

His mother's eyes widen, and she rapidly shakes her head. "No, No. We can't accept this, it's far too much. I'll try to scrape the total 4 dollars as quick as I can".

I shake my head firmly back at her. "I insist you take it. It's just a brownie, and I won't be making that much of a loss by giving it for free. take it. please" I'm practically begging.

She hesitates for a few seconds, staring at her son and back at me. But then she smiles gratefully, and takes the small paper bag out of my hands, and gives it to her boy. The big smile on his face and the way his brown eyes twinkle makes me want to adopt him on the spot.

"Thank you. so much. from the bottom of my heart" She says earnestly.

"Thank you pretty lady" Her little boy says slightly hiding his blushing cheeks behind his teddy.  I grin at them both.

"you're very welcome. Happy birthday kid" I tell him. He gives me a adorable grin of his own, before taking his mother's hand and leaving the store. Both of them waving at me as they go. I wave back at them, smile happily.

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