Day One Hundred and Seventy Two - Distorted Reality

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I see myself distorted
Fragmented and different
I look upon myself:
the same but not quite

I see the world around me
Shattered and unreal
I try to see it closer
But it backs away as I move in

I touch the plane between
Myself and I. It wobbles.
It moves fluidly
Confuses me. I try again.

I touch what lies between
Me and my doppelgänger
It bends and warps, and suddenly
My hand comes crawling through

Not my hand but mine
Confusing: not at all
It reaches out and grasps my wrist
I'm left; my mind stalled

They - no, I - crawl through
The barrier that separates
Our world, and us. I crawl
Out - no, it crawls out - at me.

I'm confused. My mind flashing
Between two brains, four eyes,
Eight limbs. Mangled together
We fight. There can only be one

I struggle as I hit myself;
Over and over again.
Then I stop but it continues
But why does it continue?

Colours all around me.
I start to see the world
Not in 3D like usually
But rather one D less.

Buildings and walls tear
Like seams in a cloth
Revealing a multicoloured
Multiversal pattern below

A pattern so complex
A pattern so bizarre
A pattern mindbending-ly beautiful
A pattern getting closer from afar

Then everything reforms
I'm all alone again.
I'm all alone: by myself
As one, not two, again.

My mind is sore.
My eyes are burning.
I stare at my mirror,
looking for answers

Anything. There must be something.
There isn't. Not at first.
Not upon a simple glance
But then I look deeper.

I see myself distorted...
Fragmented and different
I look upon myself:
the same but not quite

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