Bonds in Caiyi Town

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Wei Ying walked towards the cold spring nestled at the back of the mountains. As he approached, he saw Lan Wangji, topless and standing in the cool waters. The sight of Lan Wangji's lean, muscular form momentarily took Wei Ying's breath away. Shaking off the feeling, he quickly removed his upper clothes, leaving only his pants on, and waded into the cold spring.

"Lan Zhan... it's so cold," Wei Ying exclaimed, his teeth chattering as he immersed himself in the water.

Lan Wangji glanced at him, his expression stoic as ever.

"Lan Wangji?" Wei Ying tried again, hoping for a reaction.

"Lan-er-gonzi?" he continued, playfully testing different titles.



Lan Wangji suddenly glared at him, moving further away in the spring.

"Eh, Lan Zhan, where are you going? Lan Zhan, I'm sorry about last night," Wei Ying said, his tone becoming earnest. "I shouldn't have forced you to drink, and the worst is we got punished. I'm so sorry, Lan Zhan."

"It's okay, no need for sorry," Lan Wangji replied, his voice calm.

"Still, I insist. I didn't mean any harm to you, Lan Zhan, but thank you for being understanding since we were kids," Wei Ying said sincerely.

"Between the two of us, there's no need for sorry and thank you," Lan Wangji said, his eyes softening slightly.

"Mn. Eh, Lan Zhan, we will be spending more time together now, won't we? Since Old Master Lan also punished me to write the Clan rules," Wei Ying said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"We'll start tomorrow. Wei Ying should heal," Lan Wangji replied, his concern evident.

"Don't worry about me, Lan Zhan. I'm strong. Besides, it's not that bad. Think about it, we can spend more time together now. You can't get away from me, you know," Wei Ying said, winking.

"Shameless," Lan Wangji muttered, though there was no real bite to his words.

They stayed in the spring for an hour before deciding to come out. As they dressed, Wei Ying couldn't help but admire Lan Wangji's physique.

"I didn't know how masculine you've become, Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying remarked, teasingly.

Lan Wangji, despite his usual composure, couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at Wei Ying's words. "You're not bad yourself, Wei Ying," he thought, but didn't voice it out loud.

"Lan Zhan? Why are you staring at me?" Wei Ying asked, noticing Lan Wangji's gaze.

"Mn. Nothing. We should go," Lan Wangji said, quickly looking away.

"Right. Lan Zhan, would you and Xichen-ge like to join us for lunch in Caiyi Town?" Wei Ying asked, eager to spend more time with his friends.

"Mn. I will ask Xiongzhang," Lan Wangji replied.

"That's great, Lan Zhan. We'll meet at the front gate before noon. Shijie and Jie will be coming with us too," Wei Ying said excitedly.

They both headed back to their rooms. Lan Wangji sent a butterfly message to his brother, and they agreed to meet up at the front gate. Fast forward to when the Wei siblings were waiting for their friends, the Wen siblings were also heading out.

"Wen-gonzi," the Wei siblings bowed to the Wens, who ignored them and continued walking.

"A-jie, the Wens really don't have any respect. They think so highly of themselves," Wei Ying grumbled.

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