Chapter 8 (Part II)

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Haruka and Tomochika were walking along the hallways of the Master Course dormitory. Her sempai gave her the day off so Tomochika used that opportunity to spend some time with her bestfriend.

“It’s been a long time since we last hung out, eh Haruka?” the older of the two began.

The composer agreed with a smile. “Yes. It seems like your workload had increased. I’m glad you got the day off…are you sure there isn’t anything else you would like to do?”

“Haha! Please…I’ll use any of my free time to be with my bestfriend!” Tomochika said with a wink. “Hey, how’s Starish? Have you fallen for anyone yet?”

Haruka’s face turned crimson. “Wha-? Of course not! Idols are forbidden to love remember?”

“Ah but if it weren’t for that rule, you would’ve been taken by someone.” The idol teased. “Plus, you’re blushing so you must like one of them!”

“N-No! I don’t!” Haruka cried out to her defense although her face continued to redden. “Starish are wonderful people but I don’t like anyone that way!”

“Really?” Tomochika grinned. “Cause I’ve always thought that you like a certain member from the group~”


Just as Haruka stopped, the poor composer was knocked down by a particular blue-haired vocalist.

“T-Tokiya-kun!?” Haruka stammered, completely aware of their awkward position. The perfectionist got off and helped the girl in standing up. Typical Tokiya. What he did next, though, was totally not typical.

“My princess,” the dark-haired idol began as he got down on one knee and held the stunned composer’s hand. “Forgive me for being so rash. I did not mean to bump into you like that.”

The next 5 seconds seemed so slow for Haruka. First, Tokiya stood up. Second, he flashed her that prince-like smile of his and third, the idol pulled her in an embrace.

Cheery Masato and flirtatious Otoya were bizzare enough for Haruka, but Tokiya definitely took the number 1 spot as the prince of all things wrong.

“Tokiya?” the composer squeaked.

“I promise I’ll never hurt you with my brash actions again, princess.” Tokiya exclaimed. “I love you, Haruka.”

At that moment, Haruka felt like dying from the proclamation of love by the idol. Tomochika wasn’t far behind from fainting.


Syo found himself searching every room of the Master Course dormitory for Cecil. He never expected for the prince to be fast in running, but then again, there was that time at the idol training ground.

“I can’t believe I lost him!” Syo said to himself as he grew slightly annoyed. “Damn it…we still have homework to finish! Urgh!”

The violinist kicked the nearest thing – which was the concrete wall – and regretted it as soon as pain shot right through his foot.

“Ow,ow…shouldn’t have done that!” the munchkin thought aloud while clutching his foot and hopping in circles.

“What are you doing?”

Syo turned around and came face-to-face with his sempai.

“Ah Ai-sempai! I was just, uh, doing this dance! Yes – I was dancing for the muses!” Syo responded in the most believable way Cecil would.

The cyan teen retained his emotionless face. “Please do it in your private quarters then. According to my data, you will be mistaken for a lunatic should other people see you.”

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