Chapter 4

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2:00 am.

Normally, Reiji would find himself sleeping in this ungodly hour but due to some circumstances – his kouhais saying really strange things in their sleep – the brown-haired sempai woke up and went to the living room. He thought about sleeping on the couch but the last time he did that, Camus almost froze him with his magic sceptre. Reiji shuddered at the memory, but he was sleepy and the couch looked so inviting.

‘Ah what the heck?’ the brunet thought as he sat on the couch. His eyes grew weary and he was about to fall asleep until he heard footsteps coming his way.

‘Maybe it’s Myu-chan!’ Reiji quickly opened his eyes to such possibility and waited until the figure was noticeable. Much to his relief, it was only Ranmaru with a pillow under one arm.

“RanRan~ what brings you here?” Reiji asked sleepily.

“I’m guessing the same reason as you.” The rocker replied as he lay on the couch opposite Reiji.

“Masayan and Ren-chan were sleep talking?” the older of the two predicted.

“Worse. For some fucked up reason, Masato was humming in his sleep!”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Ranmaru narrowed his eyes. “It was to the tune of that bird commercial Ai’s kouhai liked. And….and Ren was sleeping peacefully!” Ranmaru exclaimed like it was the most illegal thing his student could do. “He looked like the most innocent thing in the world when clearly he’s not!”

Reiji laughed. “You’re exaggerating RanRan.”

“Can I join you?”

The two sempais turned towards the voice to find their fellow member. Reiji scooted over to give the cyan-haired teen some space.

“Couldn’t sleep AiAi?” the eldest of the group asked.

“No.” was the reply of the cyanette. “The room was too silent.”

“Aren’t you the lucky one?” Ranmaru murmured. He was glad to have some silence in the living room. But of course the tranquillity had to be broken by a certain loud brunet.

“Uwah! It’s like we’re having a sleepover!” Reiji exclaimed.

“NO.” Ai and Ranmaru said as the silver-haired male chucked a pillow at the silence-breaker.

“Aww…hey, I was wondering where Myu-chan is. I haven’t seen him all day.” The brunet thought aloud.

“According to my data, he went to the Silk Palace due to some urgency.” Ai explained.

With that information relaying in their heads, the trio simultaneously closed their eyes and drifted to sleep, their safety in the morning granted by the absence of Camus.


Haruka was walking down the dormitory and was surprised to see the sempais of Starish asleep in the living room. Deciding to just leave them be, the composer silently made her way outside to enjoy the morning air. After the UtaPri award, she had a lot of time on her hands and spent most of it composing songs for her beloved group. The thoughts of composing filled her mind that she forgot her surroundings and bumped into another red-head.

“Ah gomenasai, Ittoki-kun.” Haruka apologized. “G-Good morning!”

Otoya smiled a coy smile that only Ren could pull off.

“Good morning to you too, little lamb~ The day is just as lovely as you.” Otoya said as he took a rose from who-knows-where and gave it to the flustered girl. Haruka did not know how to respond. Why was Otoya acting like this and…did he just called her ‘little lamb’?

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