Chapter 2

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Syo woke up the next day feeling a bit different. At first, he connected it as an aftereffect of Natsuki’s cooking but those effects would usually be him rushing to the bathroom to puke the devil’s cuisine out of his system. The blonde also noticed that his bed felt comfier. He certainly wasn’t complaining and decided to savour the unusual comfort of the bed and drifted back to sleep.

That was until some maniac barged into his room and screamed like his intestines were being ripped out.

‘What the hell!?’ the blonde thought. He sat up and gave the intruder a piece of his mind. Syo rubbed his eyes and was genuinely surprised to find Tokiya with a horrified expression. His groupmate stared at him for a few seconds before blacking out. Alert, Syo jumped off the bed and came to his friend’s aid.

“Tokiya! Tokiya! Wake up!” he said as he shook said friend. Syo found this VERY unusual for the cool and calm Tokiya to act like this. Heck, the dark-haired male wouldn’t dare enter someone else’s room without permission!

Speaking of rooms, Syo became aware of his surroundings. His bed was definitely NOT a bunk bed and the Piyo plushies of Natsuki were nowhere to be found. Come to think of it the style of Ai’s room was different than this. The room the blonde was currently in had a royal flair and it more likely suited Camus and Cecil.

“I don’t get this.” Syo thought as he ran a hand through his black hair. Wait a minute – black hair!?

Syo turned around and saw himself in the mirror, only that he saw someone else. Black hair, tan skin, and green eyes…why on earth was Cecil Aijima copying his every move!?

Unless…no, it couldn’t be!

“Nani!? What the hell is going on!?” the munchkin exclaimed, trying his very best to get a hold of his sanity. His thoughts ran wild as he tried to think of a possible explanation behind this phenomenon. He thought of one.

“AIJIMA!!!” Syo angrily yelled in a voice that could compete with Camus when the count would find out that his kouhai was slacking off.

His yell of terror seemed to wake up Tokiya who still stared at him wide-eyed.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Syo asked, “Tokiya? Are you, you know, you?”

The other shook his head. “No, I’m Cecil.”

Without hesitation, Syo lunged towards the other and strangled him.


Cecil and Syo were found walking towards the living room moments after their strange – and painful – encounter. Physically one could say that Tokiya and Cecil were making their way, which was quite weird since the older of the two would be seen with Otoya most of the time.

“You’re unbelievable y’know?!” Syo began, thus signalling an argument.

“Why’re you blaming me?! It’s not my fault!” Cecil retorted.

“Yes it is! If you wanted to know us better, do it like a normal person!”

“Well, what’s wrong with some guidance?” the prince defended.

THIS, Cecil!” Syo exclaimed, motioning to his appearance. “Thanks to your appeal to whatever that is that you believed in, I am now you!”

“You think I wanted this to happen? And what do you mean by that!?”


It took a moment for the duo to realize that they had arrived in their destination. Five pairs of eyes were glued to them as if they were a code that needed to be deciphered, and it was honestly creepy for Syo and Cecil. For a while, nobody said a word. It was until Syo decided to speak up.

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