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"Hey guys...what if our sempais had the switch?"

Immediately and almost simultaneously, 6 heads turned their attention to a certain flirty saxophonist named Ren. Each member of Starish held a different reaction to Ren's statement: Masato glared, Tokiya and Syo looked annoyed, Otoya was curious, Natsuki smiled, and Cecil seemed to be considering the idea.

"Are you dumb? We got into trouble because of this mayhem!" Syo began and shot Cecil a glare. "Don't you even think about praying to your muses, Cecil! I saw that look on your face! You are not switching our sempais!"

"You talk as if you aren't in hot waters, Jinguji. Kurosaki-sempai wasn't pleased with your behaviour as Otoya." Masato added.

Ren held out his hands in his defence. "How was I supposed to know Ikki had no idea about the way the male anatomy worked?"

"You discussed to Reiji about those things, like it was a normal subject for Otoya to talk about, for an hour." Tokiya stated bluntly.

The saxophonist raised a brow. "And your point is...?"

"Our sempai is old. Don't scare him with such things."

"Rei-chan isn't that old..." Otoya commented but was ignored by his dark-haired roommate.

"Still, that was no reason for Ran-chan to be so mad." Ren faced Cecil. "Not to offend you or anything, Cesshi, but it was all your fault."

"I wish I could say none was taken." The Prince of Agnapolis mumbled.

The saxophonist chuckled and swung an arm around the former cat's shoulder. "But seriously, think about it. Was there ever a time where you wanted to have a different sempai?"

"Ranmaru-sempai will let you have it if he heard that you wanted him replaced." Syo stated.

"Like Ai-chan's not being rough on you." Ren retorted with a smirk. "I heard your schedule tripled."

"What do you know about it?" Syo grumbled and rested his cheek on his hand as he was reminded of the added work and the punishments he had to endure, such as having ALL of his Prince of Fighting merchandise confiscated.

"Oh! He knows a lot! I told him so!" Natsuki chimed in before dropping his shoulders. "Ai-chan can be so harsh!"

"Yeah, like who the hell forces their kouhais to wake up everyday at 5 in the morning?" Syo added. "Wish he wasn't so controlling..."

One by one, the rest of the members slowly supplied their own thoughts.

"It would be heaven if Camus were mellower." Cecil mumbled. "His orders are sometimes irrational. I could use a sempai who wouldn't make you wait in line for limited edition cakes under the rain without an umbrella.

Masato sighed. "It might be nice for Kurosaki-sempai to lighten up a bit."

"Yeah, I wonder how he looks like when he's happy...or at least when he isn't barking at us." Ren thought aloud.

"I would like to see Kotobuki-san more serious." Tokiya began. "He needs to act his age."

Everyone sighed before a certain redhead guitarist intervened.

"Eh? But Rei-chan's a great sempai!" Otoya said before pouting. "I couldn't think of any other sempai I would rather have!"

Except Tokiya, the rest of Starish silently agreed.

How they wished Reiji was their sempai.


SURPRISE! I made an omake! Do you know what this means?

There's gonna be The Switch II :D!

Yes you heard me right, my dear readers! I'm going to make a sequel to The Switch and the title is VERY original and mind-blowing (seriously going with 'The Switch II') xD I'm not sure when I'll be able to start on it, I might have to finish Quartet Knight first :) But please be patient! Lengthy or not, I put heart and effort when writing my fanfics T^T Please look forward to it!

Ohohoho...I wonder who's gonna be switched this time? Don't you wonder as well? ;)

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