Miss Me Not 2

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"Alisha Renee Davidson, step away from my dress!" you yelled over your shoulder as your friend inched her way to the Nordstrom suit bag. "Queenie, you've got to let me see at some point," she sighed. "It's been a week! Neither of us has ever purchased anything from Nordstrom that wasn't on clearance. I wanna see." She whined.

"You'll see the dress when I put it on," you explained cleaning the eyeshadow fallout from under your eyes. "It's not that spectacular anyway," you shrugged. Alisha turned and raised a perfectly threaded eyebrow, "Sis, have you ever owned a $400 dress before?" You bit your lip to contain your smile. You shook your head in response to her question. "Have you ever so much as touched a $400 dress?" she added moving to sit on the desk beside you. You shook your head no. "Then it is a big fucking deal!" the woman exclaimed. You burst into laughter and stood up from the desk. "I'm going to get changed," you laughed grabbing the bag and walking into the bathroom. You unzipped the suit bag and ran your hands over the dress once more. You quickly shimmied into the white ensemble. Poking your head out of the bathroom, you called out to Alisha, "Hey, can you zip this for me?" you gingerly stepped out from behind the door as she broke into a grin. "I mean- damn- I gotta give loverboy credit. He sho' know how to pick 'em." she smiled while pulling the zipper up.

"Me or the dress," you smiled, turning to fiddle with the dress in the mirror. "You. The dress is a reflection of the girl in the mirror. Have some confidence, Queenie. You snagged a whole prince ." Your eyes filled with tears and you hugged your best friend. "I'm gonna miss you Li." she hugged you back, tears welling in her eyes too. "No crying yet, " she smiled dabbing at tears, "We didn't spend your dress money on makeup for nothing."

"You still gonna pay half of that, " you laughed. "Of course. Catch me when them graduation checks roll in, " she pointed. You grabbed the mortarboard off your bed and handed them to Alisha to pin on over your twist out. Once she was done you switched places and you pinned hers onto her new wig. You both applied your final touches before standing side by side in the mirror. " I still can't believe you convinced me to do this, " you laughed staring at the top of your mortarboards.

"It's cute and all the girls are doing it together." Alisha smiled "we better go. The girls want to meet up beforehand." You double-checked your outfit once more, then walked across the quiet campus to the athlete's entrance to the stadium. A scream erupted as you both turned the corner. "OKAY LADIES NOW LET'S GET IN FORMATION!" your whole friend group began to sing as you walked towards each other. "PROVE TO ME YOU GOT SOME COORDINATION!"

Everyone broke into your freshman dorm steps. When the time came everyone ran to the center, but you and Alisha were ready. "Monroe girls best in the world! He parted the sea when he made me!" you high-fived once the laughter subsided. "Y'all know y'all ain't right, " Zaria laughed pulling you into a hug. "How?" You smiled, " don't be mad cause Monroe girls do it best."

"Y'all stupid, " D'Aja laughed pulling you in for a hug. Texra and Cha'relle were next to hug you. "Where's Zulema, Charlie, and Nora?" you asked quickly scanning the group. Zulema and Nora had to go escort the speaker, and Charlie has never been early a day in her life." Texra smiled, as teachers began escorting students into line. "I guess I'll see y'all when the deed is done." Cha'relle smiled as they begin calling for her school. "You make it sound like we are gonna kill someone," Texra joked. "Who's to say I haven't already? I hope y'all negroes keep secrets," she called over her shoulder before disappearing in line. "She's joking right." You asked as the rest of the group begin slipping on their gowns. You pulled your gown over your shoulders as the others shrugged. "Who knows? Jason could be laying in a ditch somewhere for all we know," Texra joked as her school was called. "I'll see y'all afterward." she hugged you both once more. D'Aja followed suit and soon, you parted with Alisha as well. You fell into place with the rest of your classmates as you began the procession into the stadium. The roar of the crowd was the first thing to hit your ears as you processed behind the undergrads.

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