You Rock My World

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The blue lights reflected off of the King of Wakanda's face. His measured steps floated him effortlessly down the stairs. Eyes dead set on a woman sitting at the bar. Her dress hugged her physique beautifully. Her posture was relaxed, laying casually in the bar stool chair. She twirled the glass of liquor aimlessly in her hand as she observed the room. Eyes lazily caressing every aspect of the bar.

"Is this seat taken?" T'Challa interrupted her perusing. "It will be if you sit in it," she tilted the glass back at her lips. Ice clinking melodically, the liquor drifted past her lips. Unbuttoning his suitcoat button, the king settled onto the seat next to her. He raised a hand absentmindedly, signaling for the bartender. "May I?" his hand gesturing to her now empty glass.

"If I said no, would that really stop you?" she replied coolly, glancing up at him. "Two of whatever the lady desires."

The bartender glanced at her expectantly. "That depends. Do I want to be sober for this conversation?" her lips curled into a grin. "I will leave that decision up to you."

"We'll have your oldest Pinot Noir," she requested. The bartender nodded before walking off. She turned slowly in her chair, eyes journeying slowly over her newest beverage venture's financier. "Well, your majesty, your people must be doing well for themselves." her words sliced through the silence. T'Challa's eyes narrowed slightly, his hand involuntarily tightening the slightest. The mysterious woman's eyes darted towards the movement in her periphery. "It was a simple parlor trick, your majesty," she teased, slowly nodding in acknowledgment of the bartender. He gracefully poured them each a glass. T'Challa's eyes followed his every movement, eyes clouded with the questions he was anticipating being able to ask. The neck of the wine bottle rolled off, just above the rim of the second glass. With the wine still wrapped in a linen napkin, the bartender set the bottle down before walking off.

"How?" the king asked, watching her fingers slink around the stem of the glass. Gently, she swirled the expensive wine around. Watching the liquid splash gently off of each side of the glass. She allowed herself to take a sip, "Your right hand, bears a signet ring."

"That could be anyone's family heirloom." he surmised. "Ah, but Americans and Europeans tend to be flashier. An unfortunate habit we seemed to have acquired over the millennia." she shrugged. "Now your accent, it points to West African Influence. But, not a very prominent country. As foretold by your, albeit charming, uncommon accent. On certain words, your otherwise flawless English tends to hesitate almost, hinting at a strange vernacular structure for you. Now, what West African country has very wealthy families. Not many that wouldn't have accents that I am familiar with." she paused, raising the glass to her lips again. "Now, here's the fun part. When you walked in, you had three guards with you. All-female. Relatively unheard of in any country. Except one that I've only heard of in passing rumors. A small, private, country that also has a monarchy. With a new king," she grinned. "Therefore, T'Challa Udaku, King of Wakanda. Based on your spending, tonight the cut of your suit included, you are either a horrible monarch, or Wakanda is richer than it is letting on." she finished, taking another sip of her wine.

"Spy?" he placed his glass gently on the table, turning to face her. "Assassin. Former." she corrected. Tilting the glass back once more. The king raised an eyebrow. "They used to start young," she answered his unspoken question. Not glancing up from her glass. "24," she tilted the glass back once more, reaching for the bottle to pour another. "I didn't," the king began.

"You didn't have to."

What do you do know?" he inquired.

"I work for myself."

"How so,"

"Government officials have the most to hide." she pointed, cocking her head slightly.

She slipped gracefully off of her stool. Grabbing her glass she winked at T'Challa before walking off. The king signed his tab before following a few moments later. "I figured, we should at least finish the bottle together." he slid into the booth opposite from her. Her eyes gazed over the city.

"Persistent," she replied. Still glancing out of the window.

"I get what I want."

"What exactly is that?" she hummed, swirling the wine in her glass once more.

The king took another sip. "You."

She hummed in response, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "How does this benefit you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You barely know me. I barely know you," she replied, casually finishing off her glass. T'Challa poured her another.

"You are a beautiful woman who intrigues me."

"And you are a king. We are still at square one," she eyed him. " Me being a king is not benefit enough for you?" He tilted his head slightly puzzled. "Are you insinuating that it should be your majesty?" Her lips pulled into a fierce line. "No, I am simply intrigued by the fact that it is not."

"Why should it be your majesty. I feel as though relationships should be mutually beneficial. I get to experience a whole new world with you. As a result of you being a king," She explained.

"So you admit you are open to the idea," a  sly grin spread across his face. "I might be. Depending on your answer." She raised the glass to her lips.

"Very well. I want you to come back with me to Wakanda. I want you to teach me how to read people. We shall start with six months. Everything you need will be provided. After that period. We can reassess, granted that you wish to stay longer." The king set his wine glass flat on the table.

The woman finished the rest of her wine. "I'll sleep on it." She slid out of her seat. "Thank you, for a lovely evening."

She started gracefully towards the door. "Wait. When will I see you again? I leave New York-"

"In two weeks," she finished. "How did you?"

"The UN assembly is in two weeks. You'll have my answer by then." She began walking again. T'Challa signaled for his Dora to follow at a distance. "How will I reach you?"

"Trust me, we will meet again. Have I been wrong so far?" She cocked her head. "Besides, chasing after women doesn't look good on you my king." She teased.

"Image be damned. I know a good thing when I see one."

"Good things always come back around. Goodnight my king."

She glanced back, red blossoming under her smooth ebony cheeks. She turned her back once more, disappearing into the night.

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