See You Again

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"My King," Okoye called, handing T'Challa a bag he forgot. "Next Week."

" I know Okoye. I promise I will be ready to leave." Okoye nodded  before reboarding the jet. The king watched before beginning the short walk up to his friend's front door.

He rang the doorbell before staring up at the building. It'd been years since he'd last been in this apartment. Freshman year of college to be exact. Anaya's parents had invited him to spend Thanksgiving with them after finding him and their daughter studying together on a surprise visit to their daughter's dorm. They weren't in the room, lucky for them, but it seemed that her parents were invested in a dream that wouldn't come true. Not that either of them was ready to admit they couldn't be together either. At least that early on.

So much has changed since then. They graduated. Got a masters and Ph.D. respectively and the two moved on. Anaya became a celebrated fashion historian and critic, and T'Challa a king. Halfway across the world, they'd reconnected by chance in Paris and hadn't let go since. Somewhere T'Challa had been holding on to a silly notion that maybe he and Anaya could give being together with another go, but he knew it was a fruitless endeavor.

Same as his ringing of the doorbell had been. Worried, the king began knocking on the door. "Quit your racket! She's not here!" An elderly woman crooned from her front porch. "Pardon?"

"She ain't here! The baby called." The woman chuckled to herself, "ran outta here like a firecracker. Her two friends following close behind."

"She was pregnant?"

"Don't know how you missed it sonny, big as a blimp, carrying high though. My bets on a girl you know," she paused to size up the young king. "And you must be that no good bastard baby's father. Walking out on her like that you know I should-!"

"Ma'am, I promise you I am not him. As much as I wish I could have been," the king mumbled the last part.

"Well then now's your chance son. The real father ain't here, and I hate to see that child grow up without a father figure. What's keeping you from claiming that child?"

"A lot more than you'll ever know.." T'Challa looked up, despair written across his face. The woman's gaze softened. "You'll never know till you try. At least go and see her. I mean you came to her house. All dressed up with flowers and a bag of gifts. You must really care for her."

"I do."

"She's at the university hospital." The old woman instructed. "Thank you," the king nodded. "Anything to see her happy, ever since her parents died she's been sitting up in that house all alone. Make it right."

Two hours and four phone calls later, T'Challa pulled up to the hospital in his hired car. The driver opened the back door of the SUV to allow the king and his baby presents out into the air. He nodded at the driver before making his way up to the reception desk. "Hi, how may I help you?" The woman looked up from her computer. "You must be looking for our maternity ward. This your first?" She nodded at the gifts. "You could say that," T'Challa chuckled.
"May I have your name and the patient's?"

"T'Challa, and Anaya Johnson."

"Great, Ms. Johnson is in room 408 in the maternity wing. Go down the hall, on the left, there will be an elevator. Take that up to the fourth floor, make a right and it should be the fourth door down. You can't miss it."

"Thank you," the king smiled hoisting up the big teddy bear, careful not to crush the flowers and

Various other bags. "Would you like an escort Mr. T'Challa?"

"I believe I can handle this one," The king insisted. "Very well, and congratulations."

The king frowned. "Thank you."

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