How to Top an Oscar

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"Yeah, I'll be there Saturday with you," Nayely nodded her head. She glided into her driveway, only to see an unfamiliar black Lexus in the drive. "Hey Keish, I'll call you back in a minute." Nayely interrupted her friend. "Yes, I promise. And honestly Keisha, you could walk down the aisles a sack and Tony would still think you were drop-dead gorgeous. If we don't find anything this time, we'll keep looking, maybe get a dress custom made. We'll make it work babe." Nayely reassured her friend. She hung up the phone after a brief goodbye and quickly got out of her car. The Lexus, upon closer inspection, was much nicer and more advanced than any car she had ever seen.

There were no locks or handles visible. The license plate was missing too. "I swear to god, if this car is stolen," The young director muttered. She practically ran to her front door before glancing at the car once more. She let out a mix between a scoff and a laugh. "He's got some fucking nerve," she hissed, eyes zeroing in on the Howard bison plate attached to the front of the car. She quickly opened her front door. "T'Challa fucking Udaku!" Nayely yelled as she walked in the front door. She shut the door, tossed her purse on the couch, and turned around almost running into the man himself.

"You don't know how nice it is to hear you call my name again umhle," the man in front of her smirked. Nayely took a moment to gather her senses as the warmth of his cologne encircled her once more. "Why are you in my apartment?"

"A friend can't come to visit his friend?"

"Not when he went awol for three years. Not returning any of her messages or calls."

"Umhle, I am so sorry," the king reached out for her. "Don't touch me," Nayely moved away from him. "What do you want T'Challa?"

"That can wait. I haven't seen my best friend in years and I would like to hang out with her today. Maybe take her out for dinner."

"Now you want to play catch up," Nayely raised an eyebrow. "Please," T'Challa gestured towards the couch. "Whatever," The black woman sighed settling on one half of the couch. "How have you been? I have been following your career online since we graduated," T'Challa began. "So you're stalking me?"

"Look Nay, I'm sorry. But family and duty called. I had to go back to Wakanda. I should have called and I didn't. But I'm here now, I want you to be a priority in my life again. As you should've been all these years."

"Did you like the movies?"

"Romantic comedies are not usually my style, but they were all wonderful."

"That isn't all I write or direct," Nayely cracked a small smile. "I know, and your Oscar is a testament to that. You gave a beautiful speech by the way."

"Thank you, but I don't know how I'm going to top the Oscar. I never expected to get it so young," Nayely trailed off.

"It is a testament to all of your hard work. Even in college you always knew you wanted to end up here. And you made it happen." He smiled, reaching for Nayely's hand.

How have you been... I heard about your father," the woman stood, making her way to the kitchen.

"It has been hard.." the king trailed following her. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you," Nayely frowned. "It is my own fault. I didn't allow you to."

"I guess that makes you king now..." the director trailed. " should I call you your majesty?" She teased.

"T'Challa is just fine," he smiled, "I missed your laugh."

"Me too Challa," Nayely smiled.

"May I take you out to dinner?"

"You're paying right?"

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