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"Knock, knock" Tiana barged into Nevaeh's room to find the American- Wakandan sitting at her vanity. The immigrant jumped, spilling eyeshadow on the pure white vanity. "I don't understand why you bother pretending to knock if you are just going to barge in anyway," she sighed, cleaning the eyeshadow from under her eye.

Choosing to ignore the question, Tiana flopped on her bed. "You're still doing your makeup? The party starts in an hour. We're going to be late. " The bronze-skinned woman replied.

"I don't see what the big deal is. It's a party at the palace. I am sure the king will not notice if we are a few minutes late," Nevaeh groaned, beginning to blend the foundation into her skin. "How would you know, you've never even met the king," Tiana argued.

"Look, are you done getting ready?" Nevaeh paused turning to look at her roommate. "No, but I need to borrow some eyeliner."

"Take the eyeliner and when you're finished come get me." Nevaeh tossed the woman the eyeliner, before digging for her concealer again. Tiana caught the thin tube smoothly before walking over to the vanity with her friend. "Are you excited?" Tiana asked, pulling up the additional stool. "Yeah, I always love parties," Naveah double-checked her highlight before grabbing her lip gloss. "I meant to go to the palace and see the king."

"Oh, sure I guess," Nevaeh half-heartedly replied checking her new message on her phone.

T'Challa: Are you still coming tonight?

A grin spread across Nevaeh's face.

Nevaeh: Yes, your majesty.

T'Challa: Stop it.

Nevaeh: Are you getting ready for your party?

T'Challa: Shuri and mother are handling that. I am afraid I am quite a hindrance in planning parties.

Nevaeh: I still do not understand what exactly we are throwing this party for.

T'Challa: It's the first light festival.

Nevaeh: Which is....

T'Challa: I believe Americans call it Valentine's Day? Except, men give gifts at the crack of dawn or first light.

"Vae! Are you even listening to me?" Tiana called. "Huh," She snapped her head up from her phone. "Did you hear anything I said?" Tiana folded her arms. "Yes," Nevaeh insisted indignantly. "What was I talking about?"

"Something with the king."Nevaeh offered. Nevaeh's phone buzzed in her hand, the light flashing signaling a text message. "Who on earth are you texting," Tiana asked, watching Nevaeh giggle while replying to the message. "Huh?" the foreigner smiled up at her friend. "That's it. Let me see the phone," Tiana reached for the phone. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Nevaeh insisted, hurriedly shoving the phone behind her back. "Who are you texting? I just wanna see!" Tiana pouted. "Did you meet a guy?"

"Maybe..." she trailed off.

For months now Nevaeh has been dating the king of Wakanda. As much as the two want to be out in public together, they both know now isn't the time. Nevaeh is one of the first immigrants to be moved back to Wakanda under T'Challa's lost tribe initiative. Her father had been a war dog for the country. While on duty he meet Nevaeh's mother and never returned to Wakanda. When Wakanda announced the lost tribe initiative to bring the children and foreign spouses of the war dogs back to Wakanda, Nevaeh immediately applied for herself and her mother.

The king met each of the first ten immigrants, wanting to be the first to welcome them home. After running into each other several more times in the market, the two exchanged numbers. After a few months of living in Wakanda, Nevaeh realized what T'Challa had known all along. While Wakanda was welcoming immigrants with open arms, they were not yet ready for a foreign queen. So the two agreed to keep it to themselves, and when Nevaeh met Queen mother and Shuri. Everyone, except Shuri, agreed that they should wait a while to go public.

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