You Rock My World Part 2

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"All personnel on deck, Bomb victims en route. I repeat," the hospital speaker drowned overhead. The white walls caused her brown skin to stand out in the hall.  Her posture slouched, a far cry from the relaxed woman from the club. Her form-fitting dress was exchanged for a figure-hiding t-shirt and sweats. Her afro puff in desperate need of some tender loving care. The curls a dull black, the back of the puff flattened back against itself. No safe harbor for any sailor lost on the seas of life. No welcoming sight for sore eyes to most. Yet she looked like an angel to T'Challa.

She pulled her hands closer to herself. Sinking her weight onto one hip her sweatshirt ebbed and flowed with the waves of her hands, as she questioned the medical professional.

Her head dropped before she nodded at the doctor. The lab-coated draped woman hugged her close before walking off. The prince stood patiently, watching as she gathered her things  and plopped onto the bench outside of the hospital room. "Is this seat taken?"

T'Challa swept a hand towards the empty half of the bench. The woman looked up, a small smile graced her lips, "It will be if you sit in it."

The future king smiled, settling next to her. "You are following me now?" She teased, "I thought I told you chasing women wasn't very becoming."

T'Challa chuckled, "As much as I would love to admit that my own ingenious intuition led me here to you," The prince's eyes twinkled with unshared laughter, " I am afraid it as you predicted, Good things always find their way back. Though I wish it was under better circumstances," he frowned.

"Me too. Are you alright?" The assassin inquired. " I am sorry for your loss," she offered.

"Let me guess, the new ring?" the prince smiled sadly, fiddling with the metal band on his finger. "No. We do get TV in the hospital your highness." the woman teased. The soon-to-be king's mouth pulled into a long "O". "Though," the assassin drawled, pulling his hand close in order to observe the ring. "I must admit that this ring is simply stunning." She released his hand.

"Could use some diamonds though," she jokes. A grin tugged at the corners of the prince's mouth. "I think, the idea was not to be noticed." he teased.

"What can I say? I am an American." She grinned.

Arms tucked into the crevices of her shirt, She crossed one leg over the other, slouching into the bench. Head rolled back over her shoulders. The two settled into a comfortable silence.

"So," the prince broke the silence minutes later, "You know why I am here. What about you?" She sat up, pushing her body fully into the back of the hospital bench. Her hands ran over her knees. "You really want to know?"

"I am still sitting here aren't I?" The prince replied.

The woman smiled, "I started volunteering here when I was sixteen. What I was pulled into as a child was not the most relaxing or calm atmosphere, so I came and comforted babies that were put up for adoption. I always became really close to the sickly ones, Those usually were here the longest. Many of them were never adopted..." the former agent trailed off.


"Agent K, we are sorry to do this now," The director's mouth set into a hard line. "What am I supposed to do? This is the only life I know! I have no family, no friends." the young agent argued.

"Quite frankly, that is none of my business agent. That is entirely up to you. You have one of  the most intelligent minds I have ever met. But your concern for the people we have orders to execute puts the members of this organization at risk!" he fired back.

"I am just not supposed to care? They are humans, with families! Children! I am supposed to kill everyone in a building just because one bad person sits in the midst!"

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