Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

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August 23 1991, 11 years old.

I had been woken up once again by her parents' incessant rambling. Every morning they would start arguing. It was like a tradition at this point. And just when you thought they would run out of topics to argue about, they would prove you wrong. One would shoot the other a dirty look, and then the fights began. It was a very unpleasant form of an alarm clock. Had I have something to look forward to in the mornings, I would have hated my life.
Judging by the sound of plates clattering and parents yelling, I could tell that I had overslept and the guests were to be here any minute.

I pushed myself off the bed hesitantly and her vision blackened before her In a hurry, I continued running to my bathroom not paying attention to how weak my body felt from getting up.

Left and right, I pulled open the bathroom drawers to get what she needed. I quickly grabbed the toothpaste that was next to the sink. While rushing, the cap slipped through my fingers and it fell to the floor. "Fuck." she cursed. I bent down quickly and grabbed the cap and ran it under the water. After brushing my teeth, I lowered myself to the sink. The feeling of cold water on my face brought awareness to me immediately. Reaching for the towel next to me, I patted my face and proceeded to my giant closet. Grabbing the first thing I saw, a pair of leggings and a sweater, I quickly shoved the black sweater over my head while pulling on my leggings. Half rushing to tie my hair, my feet slipped into the dragon-hide loafers and on my way out I reached up to the rack and grabbed my black robes. I threw them on me and practically flew down the stairs.

When I arrived at the dining room, I realized my assumptions had been wrong. Draco, Theodore, Pansy, and Blaise had already been seated and were quietly sipping their cups of tea.

A man cleared his throat. "Late, are we?" My father spoke.

I muttered a quick "Sorry Father." Before going and sitting down at the empty seat next to Draco. I reached for the eggs and sausage before me and filled my plate.

Breakfast at the Rosier estate was always something to look forward to. The house elves would cook the most amazing food. For such a small event there were varieties. The sweet aroma of toast and various jams, and the salty savory smell of sausage would bring joy to my senses. Fruits were always laid out on the table in intricate designs, and the tea found its home in the most beautiful china. I hated a lot of things, but breakfast at the estate was not one of them.

The past year has been a hectic one. Every day we would rise with the sun. My parents would rush me out of bed and throw clothes at my face and yell at me to get dressed and to at least "try to make yourself look less like a disgrace." "You must look presentable, no matter where you are or who is around you. You are part of the Sacred 28." They would spit. "Start acting like it." And judging by the side glances my mother was throwing at me, my choice of clothes did not fit her taste or her standards.

I started eating quickly, shoving food in my mouth. Theodore, who sat across from me, laughed. "Woah slow down Lex, save some for the rest of us." Blaise laughed at his joke and then snorted when suddenly Theodore sent food flying toward me with a swish of his hand. I stopped it before it even got to me and sent it back toward his way, spilling all on his front. I gave Theo a sneer and Blaise wasn't laughing anymore.

The room went silent. "Alexandria Elain Rosier. How dare you make such a mess." My mother hissed.

"Though we raised you to be a lady." My father joined.

I snapped my fingers and the table and Theodore were hit with a Scourgify Charm. "There," I smiled. "All clean."

My father rolled his eyes and then cleared his throat. "Your tutors will be here any minute, go wash up."

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