Chapter 9: Anton Rosier

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Note: The rest of the story will take place in third person. I wanted to capture Lexie's thinking and persona in the beginning; now that you are familiar with her, I feel it best to continue in third person.

January 2 1992

"Wake up!" The voice of Alyona Rosier boomed through the four walls of Lexie's bedroom, shaking her awake.

Lexie woke with a startle and immediately reached for the clock beside her bed. However, her hands fell on someones body. She rubbed her eyes. "Mum?"

8 in the morning and Alyona Rosier was completely prepared for the day with her golden locks in a bun atop her head, lips painted red, and an annoyed look to top it all off. "You wretched girl. The Malfoy's will be here for breakfast in an hour and you're still in bed. Get your sorry behind up and out of bed before I curse you."

Lexie looked at the rage in her mothers eyes and decided that she was not gonna fight her. "Alright, give me 10 minutes."

Alyona let out a sigh of annoyance and turned her back to her daughter. "Hurry up." She shut the door behind her with a slam.

The morning was not off to a good start.

By the time Alexandria made her way to the dining hall, the Malfoys had just entered from the floo. Narcissa looked flushed, the cold air tinting her pale cheeks and nose. Draco, who also seemed cold, had a warm hat atop his head with dragonhide gloves. Lucius Malfoy was the least shaken of them all and possessed his strict aristocratic demeanor. "Good morning Alexandria" He nodded toward Lexie. "Where must your parents be?"

Lexie approached them as the house-elf took their thick coats. "I believe they are in the hall waiting for you."

Narcissa smiled and said, "Lead the way then, darling."

It wasn't until they reached the dining room that Draco and Lexie were able to talk. "How are you?" Draco asked.

"Alright, you?" Lexie replied.

"Alright. Mother's been stressed. Picking things up and packing them for today." said Draco.

"Tell me about it. Mum woke me up at 8 screaming. I can't wait to be back at Hogwarts."

Draco reached for the berries in front him. "I cant either. S'too bad we have to see Potty. I was enjoying my time without him."

They ate their breakfast in silence, both too tired to talk much. At 10 they made their way out the Rosier Estate and headed to Kings Cross.

Due to Alyona's current situation, Abel and Lucius took Draco and Alexandria to Kings Cross. Narcissa had decided to stay with her pregnant best friend as a means of precaution.

Abel had stopped Lexie before she could run off to the train. "Your mother is due any day now and we won't be expecting you home. We will see you at the end of the term. Don't give Severus any trouble and remember your task." He ordered.

Lexie nodded before joining Draco on the train.

Blaise entered his head through the compartment door. "Have fun on break?" He delivered with an evil smirk.

"Was alright." Draco replied.

Blaise assessed Draco's and Lexie's current state. "Cheer up mates. Just wait till you hear what I was up to." He shut the door.


On January 11th, Alyona Rosier welcomed her baby boy. She was rushed to St Mungo's shortly after the second term at Hogwarts began, and was kept in the hospital for 4 days due to reasons unknown. The brand new member of the Rosier bloodline was called Anton Rosier. The Rosier's were overjoyed and were hosting a gathering to celebrate his healthy birth. Lexie wasn't invited. And much to her fancy, she was not going to be missed at the event either.

"Blimey, Lex! Alyona had the baby!" Theodore Nott said.

Lexie had received the news that morning whilst sitting in the Great Hall. Her grey true owl, Talon, had swooped in amongst the others to drop the letter in front of her. The letter was wrapped in a blood red envelope and contained her father's thick scrawl across it, along with the Rosier seal. Lexie immediately opened the letter and exclaimed, "My mum had her baby!" She lifted the small photograph containing her parents holding their newborn. Her parents were waving at the camera whilst holding the small pale baby.

Alyona Rosier had looked pale and severely flushed. Her naturally perfect blonde hair was matted against her forehead and she had a look that hid the anguish on her face. While she waved at the photographer with Abel next to her, she looked unraveled. This was the first time Lexie had seen her mum like that. Abel, on the left side of his wife looked cheerful and from the look on his dark features he was suppressing a grin. Little Anton had his eyes closed, presumably asleep but looked more at peace than his parents. Completely oblivious to the horrors of the world.

Draco took the photograph from Lexie and said, "Blimey! Reckon it looks like a copy of Yaxley!"

Pansy, who took offense at this statement replied "Draco, he's just a baby. Don't insult him like that." She turned to Lexie who was still clutching the letter in her hands and said, "Congratulations, Lex." Whilst rubbing Lexie's arm.

Their sweet moment was soon ruined by Blaise who had his sly smirk growing on his face. He shot a look at Draco who seemed to understand exactly what Blaise was hiding. Rolling his eyes and concealing his own grin, he said, "Spit it out, Zabini."

"Oh, nothing." Blaise sighed. "Just thinking about how fun little Rosier is gonna be when he gets older. Amycus is planning to have a family soon, they're waiting for his future bride to turn of age and I need a new mind to corrupt. You know, keep his legacy alive and stuff."

Pansy stepped in before Lexie could smack him. "Absolutely not, Zabini. Last thing that child needs is your corruption."

"Oh come on, Pans, have a laugh."

"Sod off, Zabini." Pansy said as she got up. She brushed the imaginary dirt off her skirt and made her way across the table where the Greengrass sisters were sitting in deep conversation with Milicent Bulstrode.

Blaise whispered something in Draco's ear and they both got up to head for the courtyard.

Lexie continued staring at the photograph. The sight consumed her and her thoughts began to swirl as she imagined the future of her little brother. She had abandoned her warm bowl of porridge in front of her as she kept her eyes down on the photograph. "Lex, you haven't touched your food."

Lexie's gray eyes raised to meet the warm blue eyes of Theodore Nott's. She smiled at the look on his face and shook her head signifying nothing was wrong. She tucked in the photograph in a pocket of her satchel and began to eat her food. "I'm in shock, you know? I never thought they'd have an heir."

Theodore looked confused by this. "But you are an heir? He asked. "Now there are two of you. Besides, you will be reaching legal age first. As the oldest, it should be given to you."

Lexie took a drink from her pumpkin juice and replied, "I know, but they are gonna switch the inheritance and everything to him. Little boy hasn't even been around for a full 24 hours and I bet they have the Ministry Officials contacted to draw up a new contract."

The gears in Theo's head seemed to turn as he processed Lexie's words. As silence filled the space between them, he spoke. "Surely there must be a solution?"

Lexie shook her head. "I'm not sure if there is one. The only thing I think is possible is if I marry Draco."

"Well then, it's time to get on Lucius Malfoy's good side. Merlin knows you'll need it." Theo laughed and Lexie, who couldn't hold her disappointment anymore smiled too.

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