Chapter 5: First Day At Hogwarts

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September 1st-2nd, 1991. 11 years old.

After the dinner, I made my way down to the dungeons with my group of friends. Me and Pansy were sharing a dorm room with Millicient Bulstrode and Daphne Greengrass. Neatly folded on my bedside table was my Hogwarts sweater with Slytherin colors, a Slytherin scarf with a matching beanie, a tie, and mittens. I picked up the green and silver tie and absentmindedly gazed at it. "Well mum, looks like I'm coming home."

The next morning, I got up around half past 7. It was the first day of classes and we had Charms with Professor Flitwick. I got out of my green four poster bed and made my way to the bathroom. I found that my toiletries had already been organized in the cabinets and shower. I locked the door and quickly undressed. The shower's water was warm and welcoming as I scrubbed my body from head to toe, trying to rid myself of the stress the Sorting Hat had enticed onto me. The water took away any nerves that I had.

My mind had been racing with what the Sorting Hat had told me. Pansy had noticed a change in my behavior after dinner and I had played it off with telling her I'm tired. Which wasn't exactly a lie, because I had barely slept the night before, but it wasn't the truth either. In all honesty my heart had been racing and I kept glancing at my surroundings, trying to get in touch with them. Blaise had noticed me playing with my food, and after about an hour of an awkward dinner, Dumbledore had announced it was time to go to our dormitories and I found myself saved.

By the time I had gotten out it was 8.I pulled on my robes and exited the bathroom, where I found Pansy sitting on my bed with her legs crossed, looking up at the ceiling. "Finally."

My trunk opened at a wave of my wand, and my neatly folded pajamas made their way inside. After closing, locking, and setting it under my bed I finally paid attention to Pansy. "Can you get off my bed?"

She rolled her eyes at me and smacked her tongue. "Can we go eat?" She retorted.

Reaching for her, I grabbed her hand and dragged her off my bed. She stumbled at my strength, (admittedly, I pulled her up too hard,) and we walked down the stairs. When we reached the Great Hall, my eyes landed on Draco and he turned his head to meet my gaze. We walked toward the table and as usual, I took my seat next to Draco.

Draco poked my arm. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

I turned to face him and gave him a close lipped smile. "Okay, I guess. You?"

He bit into his sausage and replied with a mouthful of food, "Good."

I rolled my eyes and softly punched his shoulder before reaching across the table and filling my plate with toast and eggs. The windows were open above the professor's table when all of a sudden a swarm of owls made their way into the Great Hall. Each owl had something in its beak, whether it was a parcel or an envelope, there was something there. I looked up trying to see if I could spot any familiar ones, and had no luck. But, then two owls came side by side, screeching, their beaks opened and out landed two letters on the table, in front of mine and Draco's plates. Me and Draco looked up at each other and our silent gazes said enough.

Pansy, who was sitting in front of me, suggested the letter and said, "Go on. Open it."

The owl who delivered my letter was one of the many my family had. Talon was a grey True owl, and was the feisty one of the bunch. He was gifted to me on my second birthday when he was just a baby, and my parents raised him until I was old enough to take care of him. Since I had not been able to say owl, I called him tally, in an attempt to pronounce it. Until I was old enough to name him Talon. He jumped on my shoulder and started pecking my collar, asking for food. I broke off a piece of my toast and held it near his beak. He grabbed it fast and nipped my finger in the process. I tapped his head and returned to staring at the letter in front of me.

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