Chapter 11: Summer

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AN: its like really late and i didnt edit this.

Summer 1992

Draco and Lexie spent their birthdays at Hogwarts. The pair felt a bit glum about the situation and wished they could celebrate at home. Their parents had sent them multiple gifts via owls on June 5th for Draco's birthday, and a mountain of gifts for Lexie's birthday on June 13th. It was a cheerful experience opening their birthday gifts at the Great Hall and it was certainly fun to catch the eyes of the Gryffindor table. Specifically the eyes of Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley who were staring at Draco and Lexie on both occasions with their mouths agape at the size of the gifts and the owls who brought them.

The rest of the term went smoothly. They took their exams and passed with good grades and were already in a great mood to go home. Hermione Granger, (much to Draco's and Pansy's dismay) came top of every class except their flying lessons. Draco was first behind her, and Lexie not too far competing for second place in the different classes they had. Lexie was second in Defence Against Dark Arts, while Draco was second in charms. Theodore, Pansy, and Blaise also did quite well.

After the term finished, Alexandria and her friends couldn't wait to get home. They spent the entire train ride discussing recent events regarding the Harry Potter situation with Quirrell, and tried to come up with a plausible explanation as to why the events had taken place. They also tried to figure out the relevance of the Philosopher's stone to the Dark Lord.

"It just doesn't make any sense!" Lexie exclaimed. "Why does he need it? What does he need it for? What does it do." Lexie, who had become very agitated, was in a neurotic state of agony trying to put the pieces together. Pansy, who had her conspiracy theories about Quirrell proven correct, was also trying to put together the pieces of the mystery.

"Lexie, are you sure Dumbledore didn't tell Potter?" Asked Pansy, who was scanning her eyes over a large book about magical sedimentary rocks.

Before Lexie could respond, Blaise beat her to it. "Parkinson, if your eyes bulge any further, your eyeballs will pop out their sockets. Enough already, you won't find it in there."

"Shut it, Zabini."

The train ride continued this way until they reached Kings Cross. They pulled their trunks out from the overhead compartment and made their way to the platform, where their parents would be waiting for them. When they arrived they bid their goodbyes to each other, and Draco and Lexie went to their usual spot to meet their parents. For the first time in a long time, Lexie was looking forward to seeing her mother. She wanted to see her baby brother and wanted to see if she could get any information about the Philosopher's Stone. But, her excitement decreased when she saw only Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy standing waiting for Draco. She approached them and smiled. Narcissa hugged her boy and turned to hug Lexie. Lucius Malfoy shook Draco's hand and patted Lexie's shoulder. After their small talk, Narcissa broke the news to Lexie. "I apologize on behalf of your parents. They asked us to bring you over. Your father is off on a business trip and your mum has her hands full with your little brother. I hope it's not a problem, Lexie dear. We can stop for ice cream on our way home." She smiled as she squeezed Lexie's shoulder.

Lexie looked at the smiling witch before her and couldn't stop the smile forming on her face. "Yeah, alright."

"Good." Lucius replied. He took their trunks in his large hands and led the way.

When they arrived home, Lexie was greeted by her mother holding her little brother in her arms. He was bundled in a unicorn hair blanket and was snoring softly. Alyona Rosier smiled at Lexie and Draco and beamed when she saw her best friend, Narcissa. "Isnt my little Anton precious?" She was radiating happiness, and for the first time in a long time Lexie saw her mum truly happy. The sweet happiness she shared with her mum was soon clouded with a feeling Lexie could not quite place. She felt this overwhelming surge of resentment for her mum, who never treated her the way she treated her younger brother. However, Lexie did not want to affect her mum's mood, so she went back to smiling and reaching for her little brother. 

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