Chapter 8: Golden

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December 24, 1991. 11 years old

AN: Throughout this chapter, you will read many mentions of Draco and Lexie performing magic with their wands. They are underage, however since they are in the Malfoy Manor which already has magical activity all around it, the trace is not triggered due to it not being able to detect their magic in a house with magic everywhere.

Our first term at Hogwarts had finished about a week ago. I had come home with Draco tailing behind me. Narcissa and Lucius had greeted us at King's Cross. Narcissa, standing in her beautiful black gown and Lucius by her side in his matching velvet wizard robes. The epitome of elegance and pureblood wizard fashion. They gave us their best aristocratic smiles and led us to the fireplace in which we'd go to the Manor from.

We had floo'd to the Manor where my parents had greeted us. My mother was hardly able to stand, her very pregnant belly would tire her back. Contrary to my mother, who was dressed in light grey robes, my father was dressed in a similar fashion to what Lucius was wearing. His outfit was dark in colours with matching black robes. The lapels of his robe had been deep crimson, complimenting his dark skin tone.

Within seconds of arriving, my mother started to mutter prayers for the baby to come out soon. She would start cursing when the baby would kick her. Almost as if the baby was saying he couldn't wait to get out of her too. My father would reassure her, telling her to handle a couple more days and the future Rosier heir would be born. Mother and father were clearly impatient to meet their male heir, even more so now that they knew the Rosier bloodline wouldn't die off with me.

We stood in the drawing room just exchanging pleasantries before I ran to my room at the Manor and crashed on the bed. I was finally home. The magically warmed linens welcomed me as I took a deep whiff of the mahogany scented air. The Manor always smelled so welcoming.

After lying down for a couple minutes, I dragged myself to the grand bathroom. It had brown tile floors and a giant tub in the corner of the room, across from the shower. If I didn't spend so much time here, I'd be jealous of the way Draco's bathrooms look. The shower's at the manor was almost three times the size of the Hogwarts one, and contained an assortment of shampoos, conditioners, bath supplies, and more. There was a small cabinet dedicated to an assortment of lotions and creams. Each one had different magical ingredients that did something different to your hair or skin. The warm water welcomed me like the sheets did, and when I got out I noticed the fireplace had turned on. Tired and happy to be home, I crawled into the silk sheets and succumbed to sleep.


As usual, the Malfoy's are hosting a dinner party for Christmas Eve. I wouldn't be surprised to see Narcissa running around frantically. The cooking was on the Malfoy house elves. Who no doubt had been preparing the food since last night.

I woke up to my dark room. The curtains had been drawn shut and the only light source I had was the candelabra at the corner of the room. I found myself quite bored since it was probably around 10 am and long away from the actual dinner party.

I didn't bother grabbing a robe as I walked to Draco's room. His room was a couple paces down from mine. My fist hit the door softly as I knocked. "Draco?" My voice above a near whisper.

No answer. I didn't want to wait so I opened the door and was greeted with a pile of crumpled sheets and blonde hair poking out from under. "Draco." I whispered.

He turned in bed and snuggled closer to his pillow. I had to hold back a chuckle at how innocent he looked. "Not so scary now huh, Malfoy?"

I silently closed the door behind me, locked it with a couple spells and whispered a Silencing Charm before walking forward. Shivering and hugging my arms close to my body, I made my way to his bed and slipped inside the warm covers that were radiating with his body heat.

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