Daycare helper - ch4

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Hey! I've come to notice that lots of people have taken interest in my book, so, I'm deciding I will make a sunrise/moondrop oneshots book! Look forward to that!


"Actually, sunrise..I..I uh.." sunrise waited patiently for what you had to say. He was hoping what you say would be good. "I..uhm..I wanna stay here with you! If that's..okay?" You managed to finally spit out your sentence, leaving him shocked. There was embarrassing silence filling the room, until he hugged you tightly. You winced as he stopped gripping you as tight, causing you to hug him back. "Y/N, that would be amazing! We could have sleepovers everyday- wait- but what about YOUR home?! And- how will you get food? Humans need food to survive right? And-and what about moon-" you calmed him down, and said "don't worry about all of that. I could get a job here! They still have daycare helper open right?" "Yes, they do! I would love for you to help me around with the children here! I don't wanna sound rude..but handling a bunch of kids at once is a pain." He giggled awkwardly. "I'm sure it is." You hugged him, accidentally falling asleep in his arms. I mean, who wouldn't? 

Once you woke up you were in his 'cove', or maybe that's what he calls it. You stared at him. "Good morning Y/N! I suggest you quickly get out of the hiding place, kids arrive in about 5 minutes. Go ahead and find a place to hide so the security guards don't think your a trespasser!" You nodded and looked down. That was a high jump, but with the ball pit being so deep it wouldn't hurt right? You sighed and jumped down, sunrise watched you to ensure you landed safely.

You landed in the ball pit. "Are you ok, Y/N??" Sunrise called out to you. "Yeah!" He sighed in relief. Does he worry for you that much? You giggled, then decided you would hide behind the front desk. "Yo can you tell me where the light switch is so I can avoid it?" You asked sunrise. "It's right next to the chair, your left!" "Thanks sunrise!" You scooted away from the light switch, hiding under the right side of the desk instead. After what felt like forever, kids starting rushing in through the door and the slide. You were relieved that you could finally go apply, but as you were walking to the door..

"Hello everybody! Woohoo hoo!" Sunrise dipped into the ball pit. You gasped. He didn't look like he did before. He had pupils, and he was more colorful than before. He looked at you and smiled brightly. You smiled and waved at him as you left the daycare. Now all you need to do is ask the front security guard if you could apply for daycare helper. You saw her and went up to her. "Excuse me miss!" She turned and looked at you, smiling. "Hello! How may I assist you, Mx?" (Btw Mx is non-binary for miss or sir!) "uh yeah I was wondering if I could apply for daycare helper- if it's open?" "Do you mean Daycare Manager?" "Oh yeah- sorry." "Of course!" 

Time skip to after you were hired, the place was closing already. 

"You can start by going and helping sunrise clean up the daycare, here is your uniform also! Be sure to change in the bathroom! We also have a shower if you ever need to use it!" The worker exclaimed and trotted off. You went to the bathroom and got into your work clothes. You stepped out the door and put on your hat, tag, and started walking to the daycare while placing your actual not stolen daycare pass into your bag. 

Time skip to when you got to the daycare because yes.

You opened the door and closed it to instantly be greeted with a big hug by sunrise. "Yay! You made the job! I'm so happy!" He bounced around. "Well, we should get to cleaning up the daycare right?" You exclaimed. "Yeah, if you want you can spray down the equipment! It hasn't been cleaned in a while, I can't reach in there. I'm too big." He said embarrassingly. "Okay!" You started to get to work. This would be a long night.

Once you got finished with cleaning all of the equipment, you started to wipe off the glitter glue that sunrise had got stuck on him during open hours. Once you were finished you sighed. "I'm tired." You giggled after that, not expecting to be picked up bridal style and be taken to sunrises hiding spot! You blushed deeply and looked at him. "Are you okay Y/N? Do you need medical assistance? Your very red!" Sunrise said, worried. "No, sunrise, I'm fine. Why don't you and I get some rest for tomorrow?" He nodded and powered off with you in his lap. Now your starting to question if you actually could be in a relationship with sunrise. But that didn't matter right now. You drifted to sleep.

"Like a star" sunrise/moondrop x reader [FNAF: security breach]Where stories live. Discover now