First day...kinda - ch13

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You woke up. Well, more like powered on, but whatever. You looked around, everything seemed somewhat smaller than what you were used too. You spaced out, thinking of a way you could possibly ever tell the other animatronics that you were Y/N. That you had survived, kinda, and were still here. But, how would they react? You were thinking about just not telling them, or telling Freddy first. You think that if you told Freddy first he would tell everyone else. It could be a good thing, or a bad thing. You weren't sure if the kids would even like you as a animatronic. But, you had to see. The second you snapped back into reality you saw moon powering back on. His eyes glew in the dark and so did your 'fur'. 

He looked at you and smiled. "Morning, starshine~" "good morning, Moony. Looks like the lights are still off." "Mhm.." you looked around, thinking of something to say, before moon picked you up and led the two of you out of the room, and on the balcony. He set you down before heading to the light switch. You dangled your feet off of the balcony and watched as he flicked the light switch, causing him to turn into sun once again. Sun looked at you and smiled as you smiled back. He jumped onto the balcony and headed inside the room again. You looked around before jumping into the ball pit, soon leaving it and sitting on a chair. You looked at a clock and saw that you both had 10 minutes until open hours. Surely sun would be done with getting ready by now. 

About 5 minutes later you saw sun walk out of the room and jump into the ball pit, leaving it and going towards you. He sat next to you on another chair, as you smiled at him. Talking formed along the slide as sun jumped onto the balcony and into the room, probably to jump into the ball pit like usual. You got impatient and started drawing as kids went down the slide, some of them waited in the ball pit for sun and others stepped out of the ball pit. None really noticed you just yet, at least that's what you think. Sun then stepped out of the balcony and did the 'jumping off of the balcony' trick. You watched him, discarding of your drawing since you didn't really like it that much, earning the attention of at least 5 kids. They looked at you confused as you walked away from the trash can, sitting down again. Sun smiled and greeted everyone. "Alright everyone, I want to introduce you to N/N! They're the other daycare attendant here, I want you all to treat them with respect!" He pointed at you, walking up to you and patting your head. 

You patted his hand, motioning him to stop. He stopped pretty quickly and then got back to talking with the kids. Today we were gonna draw what makes us happy. Sun watched the kids grab the supplies and walked up to you, sitting down. "I think they really like you, N/N!" "I think so too.." you both watched the kids draw, and frequently the kids would come up to you with their finished or almost finished work. Once everyone was done drawing sun helped them clean up, and he got ready to do a puppet show. You, on the other hand, were in charge of the castles and tunnels. Some kids had asked you if you wanted to play hide and seek with them in the castles. Not wanting to be rude, you said yes.

A few minutes later you had found about 3 of them, and you were climbing around swiftly in the tunnels, chasing after the last one. They were the fastest one of the group apparently, which kinda annoyed you. You sped up and grabbed their foot, stopping them from escaping. They tried to run but eventually accepted defeat. You let go and he left the castle's tunnels. You climbed out, being congratulated by the 4. 

Time skip to after hours

Now, everyone was leaving. Sun went up to you and smiled. "So how was hide and seek?" "It was fun." "Did you Win?" "Yep." "Awesome!" You and him went silent as you both climbed onto the balcony and into the room. You both laid on a bunch of pillows and talked, eventually powering off.

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