's me. - ch12

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Y'all I finally have motivation again omg

I'm so happy


You and sun made eye contact. He seemed to be trying to scan you, as his eyes were glowing slightly. You knew it wouldn't work, though. He had to get closer in order to scan you. 

The manager spoke up, "Alright, sun. I want you to meet N/N. They're gonna help you around in the daycare." Sun looked at you, hopping into the ball pit and leaving it quickly. Walking towards you, he stopped 6 feet in front of you. "Why would you name it N/N?" "Don't blame me. Vanessa's the one who named them."  He let out a 'sigh' and nodded. The manager and Vanessa left. You were excited and wanted to hug sun so bad, but waited as he saved you in his 'memory'. The second he waved, you ran to him and hugged him. He looked shocked, his programming preventing him from pushing you off. You pulled away and said, "Sunny! It's me, Y/N!". His face looked shocked, as the daycare grew quiet. The only thing audible was the daycare OST playing in the background. This continued for a while before sun hugged you, you instantly hugging back.

"Oh, Y/N! I thought you were gone forever!" He pauses. "Wait, how do I know your lying?" He pulled away slightly, still holding you. "Well, my favorite food is F/F, and I was the daycare assistant. I died in the hands of Roxanne and, also, was partners with you and moon" You listed things about yourself you knew that sun knew. He blushed at the partner part, smiling and hugging you again. "GREAT! But, how are we gonna break the news to Vanessa and the manager? Or Roxanne? Freddy?" He panicked, but stopped talking when you held his hand gently. "We'll figure it out. Don't worry." He relaxed, but instantly stiffened when the lights turned out. You sighed as you looked at moon, as your fur dimmed and produced multiple stars. The stars were on max brightness which kinda annoyed you. Moon was admiring your form before tackling you too the ground and snuggling up too you. And of course, he had heard everything. 

"My, my, darling~ your so soft and beautiful." He dug his head into your fluffy neck, earning a giggle from you. "Hah, I think I'm supposed to be soft." "Well, it was a good compliment, right?~" "hehe, yeah." "So~ mind telling me how exactly you manage to come back?" He tilted his head, waiting for you to answer. You explained what had happened and how you got trapped inside of the suit, him nodding at the end. "Hmmmm..interesting. Well, I think it's time you and I get some sleep, hmm?~ I mean, tomorrow's gonna be a big day~" "yeah, right." You kissed his cheek making him flustered as you climbed onto the tower, this time not needing moons help, and motioning for him to follow you. He jumped up there easily using his rope to prevent him from falling and breaking. He picked you up and held you close and tightly as he went into his room. 

"Is there anyway to turn off those stars?" "I think there is a control panel on the suits back." "Okay, let me see.." he looked at the panel on your back, hidden in fluff and metal. He lifted it, fiddling with the switch until it was dim, but not off. He shuffled into a corner with you in his arms, hugging you softly and not letting go. I mean, maybe you took it a bit too literally when sun said you were like a star.


"Like a star" sunrise/moondrop x reader [FNAF: security breach]Where stories live. Discover now