Chapter 4

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Poseidon POV

Yawning loudly I slowly opened my eyes. I shifted in bed so I was sitting upright and checked the time. It was 2:30 in the afternoon the next day, I had slept for hours. I was brought back to reality when I felt something moving underneath my arm, I looked down to see my son trying to shield his eyes from the light in the room still half asleep.

 "Son" I say softly "I think it's time to get up now." 

Percy only mumbles in response before shifting upwards to use my shoulder as a pillow and going back to sleep. Taking this as an excuse to not get up, I go back to sleep as well. 

Triton POV

The last day has certainly been eventful. Firstly I had to deal with a huge political disaster after the assassination of a high ranking member of the kings court which was just a BRILLIANT way to start the day. I 100% totally wanted to deal with everyone losing their shit at 6 in the morning. After spending hours dealing with that, a new problem comes along. Some old sea spirit/god is back and is causing mayhem and trouble somewhere in the Pacific. What worse is that he's got quite the army of minions so I've got to launch a full scale military operation. And god knows were the king was during all of this, probably on a beach somewhere getting a mortal women pregnant. You know I would appreciate getting a day off for once, I haven't gotten one since the start of the dark ages. And even then it wasn't really a day off as by lunchtime the king had put a huge stack of work on my plate, seemingly forgetting i wasn't supposed to be working. Don't even get me started on the king, that bastard thinks it's ok to sit on random beaches while I do all the work around here. And on top of being a awful ruler he's also a terrible parent, well for me at least. He's never really given a shit about me and pretty much as soon as I was born I've been put to work basically ruling his kingdom for him. He has to this day never told me he loves me or even likes me, the relationship has always been painfully formal. To him I've never been more than a asset he can use to further his agenda and make his life easier. And with my mother fading and my children dying millennium ago my life had been extremely lonely. I would feel the slightest bit better if my father was as distant and uncaring with the rest of his children, but no it's seems to be only me he hates. Then along came Perseus, my fathers pride and joy. Ever since he was born the king has not stoped talking about him, the king really loves Perseus and would do anything for him. So here I was having to watch another one of my siblings taking all the kings love and attention. I didn't even hate Perseus either, at first I despised him by default because he was another one of my fathers demigod children who would inevitably be loved more than me. But after watching his adventures and getting to know him from afar, I've grown to like the kid. He's not arrogant or prideful like the kings other demigod children and is all in all a pretty chill guy. Not to mention the fact that we owe our continued existence to him and the existence of the world at large. Back to the original point, after organising the military operation I finally was able to rest, for literally 15 seconds. Just as I had sat down a messenger bursts through the door of my room breathing heavily. 

" the king" he spluttered "" 

So with that I had to get back up and race down NINE FLOORS to get to the  palace's hospital. I push open the door to find the king sitting by a hospital bed seeming to be crying, actually crying, in all my years I had never seen the king cry before. Looking at the bed he was sitting next to I saw doctors urgently working on someone it took me a second to realise was Perseus. He looked really bad, blood entirely covered his face and he seemed to have an uncountable number of broken bones. Horrorstruck, I sat in as chair next to the king and watched In disbelieving silence as the doctors worked.

 "How could this have happened" I thought "what could have injured him this badly." 

After an unknown amount of time a doctor came over to the king and told him that with rest Perseus should be fine. I watched as Poseidon picked Perseus up and carried him out of the room off to who knows where. I remained seated there for a long while afterwards, thinking about what I had just seen. How was It possible for Perseus to get injured that badly and I know nothing about it. If a Titan or Giant attacked him surely I would know. Pushing my worry aside I got up and went off to finally get some much needed rest, begging the fates to let me rest undisturbed. 

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