Chapter 8

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Percy POV 

I decided it would be better if I told Triton of the plan without my father present. I went to the garden but Triton had left already so I asked one of the gardeners where he went. The gardener told me that Triton probably went to his chambers and that I should look there. Finally arriving at his chambers, I found Triton lying on his bed staring into space.

 "Mate" I say "you alive"

 "uh yes" he responds "what is it that you need Percy."

 "It's not about what I need, its about what Atlantis needs."

 "So you've managed to get the king to change his mind?"

 "Indeed I have Triton, and the new plan I'd say is much better." 

"What is the new plan?"

 "Well father will go down to the underworld to try and convince Hades to help us, you'll be in charge of the defence of the city and all military operations in general, and my job will be to kill whatever's put in front of me."

 "This plan is awfully vague, it's more handing out jobs than an actual plan."

 "Very true, that's where you come in, you are our main tactician you can basically do whatever the fuck the you want."

 "But there's no point we just don't have the manpower and the tactical brains that they do. Any plan I make would fall apart pretty much instantly, I'm no where near as tactically gifted as Athena or her children."

 "Very true once again, but as General Eisenhower once said 'plans our nothing; planning is everything'."

 "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"To be honest mate,I have no idea what it's supposed to mean It just sounded good."

 "When is the king due to leave?"

 "Speaking of which, we need to head to the throne room he's due to leave about now."

Pushing open the doors of the throne room I see my father preparing to depart. "So" i call "are you prepared for your journey." 

"Yes, it's going to take a while as Hades has put his realm on full lockdown." 

"What do you mean?"

 "The underworld is closed, no soul gets in or out. He also released all the beasts the underworld has to offer to stand guard. Even if the enemy were to somehow get into the underworld, they aren't getting past those monsters." 

"How will you get past my lord" Triton asks

  "I don't know, but I'll figure something out." 

"You seem troubled father" I point out "what's wrong?"

 "I just don't know if I should be leaving. Not only am I the literal god of the seas I'm also the king of Atlantis, should I really be leaving my people in a time like this." 

"Father, I promise you that when you get back you'll still have a kingdom." 

"Yeah" Triton cuts in "I give you my word that I will protect your kingdom until you return, now I think you should get going my lord."

 "Fine I'll leave" Poseidon relents getting on his hippocampus "but when I get back you two better still be alive." And with that Poseidon darted off into the dark waters. 

"So" I ask "what do we do now?" 

"Well" Triton responds "I think it would probably be wise to prepare for a siege, and we need to send someone to Olympus I want to know why exactly Zeus is going to attack us." 

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