chapter twenty two.

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Harry Styles

With my ears ringing, a bloody nose I tried to wipe, a cut lip and lack of dignity, I realised I had to go in and see Harper.

I didn't want her to see that, I didn't want her to hear half of that either, but she did, because George doesn't know when to stop himself and Thomas just thought it was funny. I wasn't worried about myself, they can throw as many punches and insults my way as they like as long as Harper doesn't see it. She's six fucking years old.

I went in the side door, straight into one of the less busier rooms and much to my surprise, I saw both Harper and Iris sitting there together. Thankfully, Harper was smiling and laughing with Iris. Just the two of them in this room looking at the pictures, it made me smile for a moment.

A nice sight compared to the one I saw minutes ago.

Harper really likes Iris, and she really did save me back there. If she hadn't come out, Harper would have seen it all and that's the last thing I want. I complain about iris being everywhere, being difficult to avoid, but I'm starting to think it's a good thing.

When the door shut, both of them snapped their heads round to face my direction. Iris's face turned into one of pure concern and worry, Harper just looked relieved to see me. I don't have a clue what I look like, I knew it wasn't good but judging by the reaction, it's awful.

"You alright?" Iris asked me, standing up to step closer, Harper followed.

"Fine, yeah." I lied, looking down at a now worried Harper before crouching down to her level. "I'm sorry Haps, you alright? Didn't scare you did I? You're okay?"

Harper nodded and looked up at Iris with a smile, "Me and Iris looked at the paintings."

I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, then looked up at Iris who was just smiling back at me. "thank you, for taking her inside."

Standing up, I felt a little sick, but it's nothing I'm not used to at this point. I think the fact I've not lost any teeth yet is an achievement, so it could be worse. Never have I been concussed either, and I'm somewhat immune to the sting of kicks and punches. I guess it could be worse, it's just exhausting.

"You want me to grab a glass of water?" Iris asked, "you've gone all pale. C'mon, let's sit down."

I don't know how Iris has gone her whole life with people treating her like shit, and still has a heart of gold. She cares so much about people, even the ones that do her wrong and I don't understand it. People treated me like shit all my life too and look at me, I'm an arsehole, the complete opposite of Iris.

We sat down on the seats in the middle, the music in the main hall reassured us there was some sort of dance going on. Harper sat next to Iris, not me, Iris, but I don't blame her. Iris has such a pure soul, too pure for anyone in this godforsaken town.

"You don't look well at all," she said, careful what to ask or say in front of Harper. "What...what did they do?"

"The usual," I sighed, looking down at my hands in embarrassment. "I'm just gonna go home, can't really stay here like this, can I?" I lifted my head to look at her, and her eyes were full of pity and distress. I looked down at Harper who was fascinated by the pictures, "Haps, you can sleepover tonight kid."

"I'll walk with you guys," Iris smiled, "If that's okay."

"I'm fine Iris. Honestly." I reassured her, knowing she was only going to walk home with us to be sure I didn't pass out on the way or anything along those lines. "You're in your element here, I'm not ruining your night more than I have already."

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