chapter forty two.

573 26 21

Iris Grace

I woke up with Harry's arm strewn over my stomach as he lay on his, with his head facing me, eyes shut and his hair falling over his face. He looked so peaceful and his lips were parted ever so slightly. The blinds last night weren't closed and the sun, almost blinding, is casting this golden glow over him.

He looks so beautiful, even with the smear of purple around his eye and the cut on his lip, the blue beneath his nose. For a second I thought he was waking up, but he took a deep breath and just moved his hand, gripping onto the material of his T-shirt I'm wearing. I felt my heart flutter, I really did.

I moved the hair out of his face, casting a shadow over his closed eyes as I did so, which startled him. His eyes pinged open and made my heart drop. I didn't expect him to wake up so suddenly, it gave me a fright.

Immediately his lips carved into a smile and his eyes shut again as he let out a little groan. He stretched his arm out and moved it to rest over my hip, screwing his eyes shut.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, suddenly feeling incredibly bad for waking him up.

"S'alright daydreamer," He groaned, his voice deep, making it clear he was still half asleep and tired. "Morning."

"Morning." I whispered back, fighting the urge to smile like a little girl.

For a second we lay in silence, Harry still seemed to be waking up and I just found him so fascinating to watch. He rolled over on his back, stretching his arms out over the covers and yawning. Still, he looked great and I don't know how somebody can look as pretty as that first thing after waking up. I'm in awe, I really am.

I also can't believe I told him what I did last night. I don't know why I did, but I don't even regret it. I feel like he understands and it was nice to not feel like I had to explain myself to him. I said very little about it all, I said what I wanted to say and he didn't push for more out of his own nosiness unlike anybody else would've. That was really nice, to not feel like I owed an explanation to somebody.

I have a lot of trust in Harry and I won't convince myself of things without actually hearing the words come from his mouth, but I think he trusts me too. It's really nice to feel like someone actually cares and that your presence isn't just burdening them.

"How you feeling?" I asked him, rolling over onto my side so the sun was hitting my back, and still shining onto Harry's face.

"Great," He said, lifting his arm to wrap around me and pull me closer, to the point where I was practically lying on his chest. "Did you sleep okay? How long have you been up?"

"Not long." I smiled, sitting myself up with my elbow propped up on the pillow next to me, my head resting in my hand as I looked down at him. The smile on his face gave me butterflies, he looks genuinely happy which is good to see. "Tu es si belle."

Harry chuckled a little, grinning ear to wear as he pushed back a few stray curls of mine, tucking them behind my ear as he propped himself up on his elbow, leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

Harry let me use his bathroom first, I brushed my teeth and looked at my hair, which was absolutely everywhere and somehow, I just had to tuck it behind my ears and hope for the best. Harry went in next and took two painkillers for the pain he's suffering thanks to George and Thomas, who deserve to rot in hell.

I had no choice but to throw last night's dress back on, which wasn't too bad considering my Studio is a minute away, so I'm just hoping I don't see anyone I know whilst on my way back.

I offered to take those clothes back and wash them, well, I didn't offer, I told him I would, however he told me to keep them at his and they can be mine for if I ever decide to stay again. It was such a little gesture,but the idea of someone doing that for me, the idea of keeping clothes and a toothbrush at someone's house makes me feel all warm inside.

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