Getting Caught Up

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*Mii POV*

*Date: 12/18/21*

*Time: 2:23pm*

*Before I was going to go do more tasks, and get caught up, I needed to involve my family in things whenever they want to be involved, Mickey was able to have a chat with HoneyQueen before we did so, he said that they are mostly going to be around me but they're going to do everything they can to involve my family as well, as they say "the more the merrier." Honey Queen than mine since I had a chat with her before we left the Old house*

Mickey "whispers": Hey Minnie, do you feel something different about Joshua?

Minnie: Yeah, I do... to be honest his hair did grow, he is a little more dark In personality, at least he found what he was looking for, but still I wonder what's going on.

*Suddenly A Portal opens behind them, They slowly went in without Mii and His Family realizing they Vanished*

*They Exited the portal to find they are now in My Office in The Warvengers Headquarters Dimension, Seeing it was Empty, the camera view with circular as Mickey and Minnie were curious as to what's going on*

???: Mickey and Minnie Mouse...

*the voice was loud, deep, and sounded like it was surrounding the entire room with an echo, they turn their heads immediately when they heard their names, they have their wands, and the figure was none other than myself, The leader of the Warvengers, as I float slowly unarmed, and with no weapons*

*Author/Writer's POV*

Me: Welcome, I don't mean any harm, you can put the wands away.

*They Put their wands back from where they pulled them out*

Me: Have A Seat. *I sat at my desk as they sat down, They were still curious* Would you like a drink?

Mickey: No Thanks.. Just who are you, and what does this have to do with us.

Me: So I am Joshua, I believe you are familiar with my son, Joshua the Mii.

Minnie: Yyess??

Me: I want to tell you I can answer a few or most of your questions about what My Mii Has been doing.

Mickey: You? Are his dad?

Me: Yep, Created Him, Made him, Taught him well, Trained him, and Loved him like he was a brother to me.

Minnie: That does explain the long messy hair...

Me: I also mean to tell you I have been working out Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Planet Fitness...

Mickey: Explains the More Muscular Figure...

Me: The Amount of Sleep, and All of the times I have been broken-hearted by other Girls and I am still single...

Minnie: Explains the Darker setting on his eyes, and the more serious personality.

Me: Bottom Line, I apologize if you thought it would be the same as he was 2 years ago, But Unfortunately, I'm sorry but he is not, because of me, At times he "Is" Me, And if a bad event happens to me, It happens to him too, but I could not stand to see my son getting punished, heartbroken, and lonely like me, so that is why I made HoneyQueen, and kept Makayla as His Daughter.

*15 More minutes of explanation pass, and when I was done, Mickey and Minnie have been taking notes, and hopefully they know what to do to help Joshua The Mii with all of this without overloading or overdoing their effort.*

Me: So did you get everything?

Mickey: Pretty Sure.

Me: Alright, Now remember I get you guys just want Joshua the Mii, because he had experience before and you want him to have that powerful and joyful experience again, but now that he has a family he really wants his family by his side always, have them stand by his side as well as the amount of power and joy he will bring to the experience of Castleton once again, saving it from the wretches of negativity, will be quadrupled!

Minnie: You must really support your son, Everyday of his life.

Me: Yes I do, remember do all you can but don't do too much...

Mickey: what's wrong with "too much?"

Me: I experienced it many times before, and I don't want it to happen to you two trying to help my son and his family.

Mickey: alright, we understand, also how we going to get back?

Me: Oh Right, also don't forget your wands. *I Create a Portal back to Castleton to the same point, where Mickey and Minnie vanished*

Minnie: Got'em, In our Pockets, Thanks Joshua, train your soldiers well, Merry Christmas.

Me: You too, Will do.

*The Portal Closes, Mickey and Minnie Back in castleton*

Mickey: Ready, Mii?

*Mii POV*

Mii: Yep.

*Time Jump To When I Got used to Every Realm, Such as Lilo & Stitch, Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice In Wonderland, And Winnie The Pooh*

*As Far as Lilo and Stitch Goes, I am Blitzing Ghosts Left and Right, me, Stitch, and Lilo were also winning hula contests, let's just say I have a pretty good experience with dancing*

*For Frozen, I honestly don't mind Olaf and Anna's positivity, I am more of Elsa's Type being Protective, Busy, and All, as far as the ghost summer tough but as experience gross I am starting to get tougher and tougher, as it gets colder and colder*

*The Little Mermaid, it is not at all bad, the only thing is I just love being on land and not really swimming underwater as a regular person, also I'm glad that yensid sent me a uniform that could turn me into a merperson so that I'd be okay breathing underwater while I'm fighting ghosts and making friends anywhere I go*

*With Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I respect every one of the seven dwarfs personalities, especially grumpy, and when the time came, they added me to their group and gave me a new nickname "Sneaky." I kind of like it*

*Now, Alice In Wonderland, again I respect everybody's personalities, especially the queen who is just unpredictable, lively, and I don't even want to know how the hell she became Queen in the first place*

*Finally, Winnie The Pooh, it is my favorite, because of four reasons, One, I can garden and combine seeds into exotic and rare species of seeds. Two, I am surrounded by stuffed animals which I feel like I am a s Christopher Robin. Three, I may have a crush on Kanga but I haven't told her yet, and Four, I feel like I am doing okay venturing into the unknown, fighting ghosts, and bringing back the joy, the Wonder, the Beauty, and the magic to Castleton, oh and I have been remembering to spend some time with my family when I have some spare time away from my tasks*

*Moving forward, Will be Continuing From my point of the story and how the story continues all at the same time, don't tell anybody but it's going to be surprised that's going to occur later in the book*


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