Joshua the Mii and Kanga's Date

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*Mii POV*

*Date 12/19/21*

*I Was able to bring a bouquet of Mini-Crocuses and Other Rare Flowers, My Hair still the way it was, Wild and curly, No i am not gonna brush it, Because it feels like to me I am hiding my true self in pandora's box*

Mii: Here we go... *I Knock on the door, Kanga Answers with A Blush when she saw me with the flowers* Hi, Kanga.

Kanga: Hi Joshua, Those Flowers are beautiful, Who are they for?

Mii: You, Can I Bring them in?

Kanga: Sure, Make yourself at home.

*And with that, She told me where the Flowers should go and I Sat down as she gave me a cup of Honey Lemon Water, As May have sang a few songs that made her blush, She didn't know how well I could sing and how much passion and meaning I put into those words I sing*

*Roo Even liked my singing, Afterwards  I stayed for Dinner, then we went outside, A sideshow shows, Me and Kanga by the river Picking up Flowers, I accidentally slipped and got myself wet, She did run to my assistance but we did have a laugh*

*We even went to the Honey Tree and Relax up there, I told her about some facts that Honey is Good for your Skin, I used my magic to levitate her up to the hole and climb through and I climbed up there myself and we did some honey-bathing*

*We even jogged or hopped side by side through the wood and Even some birds flew up due to us running through their area*

*We even Came to a hill as the Sun sets, Me and Kanga gazed into eachother's Eyes, With love and promise, We hugged, and we Kissed, even Nuzzled Noses.*

*Roo and Rabbit saw the whole thing from the Distance, and Is happy for us*

Roo: Do you think Joshua is the right Guy for Kanga, Rabbit?

Rabbit: if I or Tigger can't earn her heart the right way, Then I believe someone with experience like him should earn her heart.

*Back to Mii and Kanga, Who are Still Nuzzling Noses, We slow danced a little while I sing softly*

🎶Mii "softly": Shake the mountains, break the walls apart
Open the Heavens,
Almighty God You are
Defender of my heart...

*Then I Suddenly hear soft Snoring, It was coming from her, I Smiled, I guess my voice was so angelic she fell asleep, Luckily, I was strong enough to carry her home, So I Did, I laid her in bed, Then I saw Roo on the Couch, Dozed off As well, Which led me to think, I Must be a multi father, Because I can handle any kid, Especially Roo, I carried him to his bed, and Unexpectedly Kissed him Goodnight, I turn around and Kanga Was standing there impressed*

Kanga: You are definitely My type... If you are trying to earn my heart, You don't need to, You already have.

*She started to take a deep breath as she started to sing*

🎶Kanga: By Your power,
the oceans open wide
Your fire falls down,
Heaven and Earth collide
King Jesus,
forever by my side

*We walk then Cross arms as we slowly walk in a circle in sync*

🎶Both: Shake the mountains, break the walls apart
Open the Heavens, Almighty God, You are
Overcomer, Defender of my heart,

*We Were In harmony that we decided to sing louder and Slowly dance outside in the Stars*

🎶Mii: oh-oh, yeah

🎶Both: And by Your power, the oceans open wide
Your fire falls down, Heaven and Earth collide
King Jesus, forever by my side, yeah

*Music Played in the Background*

🎶Your power and Your presence
Breaks strongholds,
King of Heaven

When You speak,
mountains move
I believe
there will be breakthrough

And Your power
and Your presence
Breaks strongholds,
King of Heaven

When You speak,
mountains move
I believe
there will be breakthrough

There will be breakthrough
There will be breakthrough
I know, I know, I know
There will be breakthrough, yeah.

*The Two stop singing and Head inside to get some rest, I had to make a Call letting HoneyQueen Know I am camping at Kanga's Tonight, She was Okay with it, Then She Dragged me into her room while kissing me*


*25 Minutes Later*

*Me and Kanga Were like Sweaty and Lively, It was hard to get to sleep we had to take Some sleep medications to get to sleep, I Smiled at Kanga Who was just asleep, I Bring her into my arms as she did the same, I took a photo of us Asleep, and Sent it to HoneyQueen Saying "We got us A new Breeded"*

*HoneyQueen Smiled*

HoneyQueen: Joshua, You Crazy Tricky Breed man!


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