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*Mii POV*

*Date: 12/27/21*

*Time: 15:01*

*Everybody was living a normal day now back in Castleton, The flowers Bloomed and And So Did the Joy, Wonder, and Beauty on this Magical castle land, You might be wondering where am I now, Well, Let's Say I got an invite from the king*

*The Guards walked with me, up to the throne room*

Chancellor: Your Majesty, Ladies, and Gentlemen, I present, Joshua The Mii.

*The Guards stay at the bottom of the Stairwell, as I Walk up to the king on the throne, I knelt before him*

The King: Joshua, In gratitude, for Saving Castleton, Planning Ahead, Your Strength and resolve, and for caring about the ones you love, I hereby award you... *The Chancellor comes forth with a big Crown just right for my head, But why?* Our Gift to you, The Throne... And This Crown. *Large Applause as the Crown was placed on my head and A Cape Was Clipped around me, I turned to the Crowd who all knelt*

Chancellor: Anything you wanna state?

Mii: Well, not much, Except I think who really deserves the credit is God, if it wasn't for my dad's Christianity then I wouldn't know God or know where I am at in life, I'm just so thankful that God, led me down this path, I would not trade it for anything. That's all I have to say.

*Applause, Even I was Clapping*

Mii: Chancellor?

Chancellor: Yes Sir?

Mii: There is something I want to do before I run the kingdom.

Chancellor: Go, Don't worry I will take it from here.

Mii: Thanks.

*I walk behind and onto the Streets to the Grass and the tree with beautiful flowers*

Me: So this is where you were. Turn down the Throne?

Mii: Absolutely Not, I just felt like with everything going on I thought you needed to relax before I do anything else.

Me: I feel ya there.

HoneyQueen: yeah he's not going to be having lots of free time for long, so I guess he's trying to get in as much nap time and free time as possible before running the kingdom and raising a bigger family happens.

Me: I see.

Mii: Yeah, So After a Day Like today, I could enjoy a nice nap against a tree on some fresh green grass and soft colorful flowers. *I sat down and laid back, closed my Eyes and Relaxed with a Sigh, The Others joined me Soon enough*

________________THE END_______________

Joshua The Mii In Disney's Magical World 2Where stories live. Discover now