The storm brewing

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Frank's P.O.V
I lowered my head sadly, wondering how it could have come to this. We were the seven, we fought Gaea together and came alive. I guess I was naive, I never thought anything like this could happen.

A lone tear streamed down my face. Hazel. For everything she went though, she was still murdered in cold blood. I swore to protect her with my life, I swore that I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I failed. She was the one that stayed with me, the peaceful son of Mars, the outcast of the legion. Hazel was always there for me, and the one time she needed me I failed her.

And Piper. Piper, who was killed during the hooded figure's escape. Piper, who heard the commotion and tried to save Hazel. Piper, who did more than I ever could.

As the flames from their shrouds started to fizzle out, I noticed Jason walking out of camp, with Leo running after him. With Percy missing, Annabeth in a coma, and Piper and Hazel both dead, the three of us are all that's left of the seven. And we're all broken.

Jason's P.O.V
Fists clenched, nearly drawing blood, I stormed out of Camp Half-Blood. The camp that holds so many memories of Piper. First the hooded figure nearly kills Annabeth, and now he murders Piper and Hazel during the night. I can't let him get away with this. I won't. I can't wait for any prophecies or quests either. This is personal. I'll make sure he suffers.

"Jason." I turn my head to see Leo, with an uncharacteristic serious expression on his face. "Where do you think you're going?"

I can't have him interfering in my plans. "Don't worry about it Leo. Just go back to camp."

-"Not until you tell me where you're going."
-"Go back Leo. I'm not going to ask you again."
-"Look man, I know you loved Pip-"

"DON'T SAY HER NAME!" I roared. "You want to know where I'm going, I'm going to kill the bastard that did this!"

He took a cautious step forward. "Jason, this isn't you man. I can't let you go. I won't lose another friend."

"Then I'm sorry." With that, I shot a small lightning bolt at him, not enough to seriously injure him but hopefully enough to knock him out. Leo's eyes widened in surprise and he went flying back into a tree. I'm sorry Leo, but I can't have you getting in my way. I turn around, leaving my best friend in the rubble behind me.

"Then I'm sorry too." I look behind me to see Leo up again, flames dancing across his body. "Like I said, I can't afford to lose another friend. If you want to leave, you'll have to go through me."

We locked eyes in challenge. The winds began to pick up around me, and Leo pulled his hammer out of his tool belt.

"Jason." I glanced to my left to see Frank emerging from the woods. "I heard the whole thing. I can't let you leave either. Trust me, I know how you feel. Revenge isn't the answer."

"You know nothing." I hissed back. Lightning crackled above me as the winds picked me up off the ground. Frank closed his eyes in shame, and drew his spear. He locked eyes with Leo, and I knew I would have to get past both of them.

A momentary silence fell over the forest. Then all hell broke lose as I charged into battle against my last two friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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