Questions and Answers

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Nico's P.O.V
Damn it! Please let me get there in time! Annabeth is fighting a losing battle against this hooded figure. Her legs were swept from under her and she collapsed to the ground. My Stygian iron sword was like a whirlwind, disintegrating monsters left and right, as I attempted to make my way towards Annabeth. These stupid monsters have been hunting me for hours, I had no energy left to shadow travel.

I looked back at Annabeth and saw the hooded figure raise his sword, hesitate, then bring it down on Annabeth. No, no, no, no! I charged recklessly towards the figure, plowing through monsters when all of a sudden he took a few steps back and collapsed. Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed Annabeth and started making my way towards the campers, who were charging into battle. I saw Malcolm, Annabeth's half brother, and motioned him over. The constant fighting finally caught up to me and I collapsed in exhaustion.

Thalia's P.O.V
"You okay?" I look up to see Will Solace's concerned face. "What do you think?" I practically spat. He backed up a few steps, obviously hurt by my tone. Guilt flowed through me but my pride prevented me from apologizing. Why would he even ask that question, obviously nothing is alright. Annabeth, my best and oldest friend was on her deathbed, my cousin Nico was unconscious, Percy was nowhere to be found, Lady Artemis was missing again, and the other Olympians couldn't be bothered enough to at least make contact with us and help us out a little. Some gods they are, abandoning us at our lowest point. I'm beginning to see why Luke joined Kronos all those years ago. "Thalia!" I turned around to see Malcolm waving me over, "Chiron called a war council meeting." I nodded my head in understanding and followed him to the Big House.

When I arrived, everybody else had already taken their places around the ping-pong table, looking around with sombre expressions. Nico and Percy's seats were vacant, and Malcolm had taken Annabeth's spot.

"Children" Chiron began, his tone solemn, "War is upon us once again".

That statement alone was enough to spark outrage amongst the cabin leaders. Cries of protest immediately began to arise and the best Chiron could do is lower his head sadly. He had never looked so old.

"Enough." The words were spoken quietly, but there was a hint of danger in his tone that caused everybody to listen. Jason stood up, lightning dancing across his darkened eyes, "Stop complaining, all of you. You're supposed to be the cabin counsellors, the leaders people look to for guidance. You're acting like children ." He stood up and began to make his way towards the exit.

He paused at the doorway, before speaking once more. "I'm going to find whoever did this. And end them."

That was the last time I saw my brother.

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