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"and i know
she knows"


Peter and I stayed sat on the lamppost, watching the news in horror. "spider-man's real name is Peter Parker," Mysterio yelled. my eyes widened as Peter screamed "what the fuck."

i looked down at the ground as i heard civilians calling my name. "your father raise you to be like this? what? he die for nothing," A stranger yelled. "hey," Peter yelled as he jumped down. my eyes widened in shock as i flew down next to him as people began to grab at him. "Peter, what are you doing? are you trying to get yourself killed?! we need to leave now," I shouted.

Peter and I flew back to May's apartment and i hopped into his room as he began to undress. "oh god, Zan, what do we do," Peter panicked. "calm down," I tried to give him a relaxed tone but, i was clearly freaking out as well. "calm down?! calm down, Zan? you're not calm, how am i supposed to be calm," He began to become more stressed. "i don't know," I panicked. i placed my hands on his shoulders as i tried to relax him but that was when the door flew open.

my hand's quickly went back to my sides as we saw May and Happy standing in the door frame. "oh my god," Happy stood there speechless. "Happy, i swear-" i began. "the one thing your father tells me to do is protect his kid and i can't even do that," He dramatically sighed as i followed him down the hallway, May and Peter following us.

"Happy, why are you crying," I gave him a confused frown. "we...broke up," Happy explained, as he walked into the living room. "what? oh no! why," I pretended to be interested as I quickly used my powers to close all the blinds to the windows. "look, if you guys are having sex, you don't have to feel awkward about it, okay? it's natural," May explained to Peter and I as i sat on the couch.

"we weren't having sex-" i began. my statement was immediately cut off as Happy and May's phones began to be bombarded. "oh my god, my phone is just blowing up," May began. However, she was interrupted as Peter took her phone and i took Happy's. "can you please just get off your phones for one goddamn second and live in the real world? oh my god, you know, people say our generation is the worst with technology, but, it's always you guys who are saying this whilst you are always on the damn things, it's a shame, really-" i rambled to pause time.

"um...Zan," Peter interrupted. "what," i asked. i turned to face the TV as i saw May's apartment building being recorded on the news, helicopters surrounding us. "is that..." May stuttered. "is that here?" Happy asked. i sighed in defeat as i re-opened the blinds.

May and Happy walked towards the window with Peter, shock in their eyes as they saw the amount of attention this place was getting, all because of a kid who's been framed. "explain. now," Happy raised his eyebrows at the two of us.

"it's nothing even bad," Peter defended himself. "nope! Zan, you explain, peter's gonna sugarcoat it, just explain," Happy told me. "oh my god," I groaned as i sat down opposite them. "so you know how Mysterio betrayed Peter and all that shit that went on in Europe and then the drones killed Mysterio blah blah blah," I asked. "yeah..." May and Happy responded. "well yeah, Mysterio recorded a video just before he died, revealing Parker's identity and saying that he was trying to be the next iron man, he framed him and now, here we are," I explained.

"it's your luck isn't it, kid," Happy groaned to Peter as he sat down. "Rose, are you in trouble?" May asked. "uh, i mean probably, i usually am for some reason or another but i don't think this would've changed anything, they knew my identity anyway, i'm more worried about how much trouble Peter's gonna get in," I told her.

we were immediately cut off when we heard a knock on the door. "federal agency, open up," We heard. "federal agency," i asked, standing up. "nope, absolutely not, Zanna, you stay right there," May warned me as she walked to the door. "department of damage control, we have a warrant for the arrest of peter parker," We heard. "you know the fourth amendment?" May asked. "sure," The officer responded. "unreasonable-" May began but was cut off as they all came piling in.

I'd arrived at the station an hour ago and i was now finally talking to an officer. "Miss Stark, always a pleasure," The officer told me. "yep," i sighed. "quick question though," He began. "i'm all ears," i responded. "you're obviously a very bright kid, a very famous kid, come from a famous family, now, i know about your dad, and i'm really sorry for that, i truly am, but, do you honestly believe that he died for you to be hanging out with criminals? murderers," He gave me a disgusted frown.

"i'm very aware of your tactics officer, this isn't the first time i've seen you do this, i'm afraid," i shrugged. "what do you mean by that," The officer asked. "you think i don't now how this shit works? my father was the richest, smartest man alive and you think he didn't teach his black daughter about police officers?" i scoffed. "you can bring my dad into this as much as you want, buddy, you can bring whoever you want into this because it's not my time your wasting, it's your own, you're trying to manipulate kids at your big age, no, carry on talking though, this is fun," I smirked.

"you being smart with me, Stark?" The officer asked. "it's nice of you to think that, but, no. i'm really not, it's a natural feature of mine, you know?" I shrugged.

AN: what you guys think so far

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