Chapter 4

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Im Writing This Because I Got Comments!

Two To Be Exact...


Anyways On With Story...

Chapter 4:

~ ( Fun Fact Three: You Swallow The Milk In Your Cereal Before You Chew/Swallow You Cereal )

I Made That One!!!

Chapter 4:

Harry's POV:

I move slightly which sends sharp pain through my lower back.


I cry out as I feel the intruder that has rudely lodged itself in the dips of my back.

I move my hand around until it feels the rough edge of a cardboard box.

Gosh that-

"Mhmm, ...



I open my eyes to the sound of a deep and slightly hoarse voice belonging to Lou- Mr. Tomlinson.

"Good Morning?" I say questioningly, not sure how Mr. Tomlinson will react to one of his students snuggled into his blanket.

"Good Morning To You, Curly"

He replies cheerfully his deep, throaty morning voice replaced my his normal semi-high voice.

He pulls the covers off him slowly stretching his, obviously aching, legs after getting up. He looks back down at me and cocks his eyebrows at me.

"Well Are You Going To Help Me With Breakfast Before School Or You Just Gonna Sit There?"

"Uh, Breakfast."

I say, wondering how he can even think of eating with me here. I don't even think I was supposed to be here in the first place.

I only said yes to coming in because he's my teacher, along with my new neighbor, and he just looked so good standing ther--


It was because he's my teacher.

Only because he was my teacher.

Nothing else.

And I ha--





"Wha- Wait Did You Just Call Me Wazza?" I ask looking completely confused after coming back from my thoughts.

"Hazza Actually. And You Weren't Listening To Me. I Was Gonna Tickle You But I Didn't Know How You'd React." He says happily, smiling wide as he looks down at me.

"I Probably Would Have Peed Myself." Oh God TMI!

"Haha, We Don't Want That Now Do We? So What Do You Want?"

"It Doesnt Matter." I reply nonchalantly, finally relaxing as he gives me a hand to stand from my uncomfortable place on the floor.

"Oh, But It Does Curly."

He says dramatically over his shoulder as he proceeds to what I presume is the kitchen.

"So What Will It Be Haz?"

He says as we stand in the empty kitchen. The cabinet, the only thing inhabiting the room, containing only a solitary box of Cheerios.

"You've Got A Huge Variety, It's Just So Hard To Pick."

I say sarcastically tapping my chin for emphasis.

"You've Got This Harry. Im Sure You'll Find Something..."

He gives me a crooked grin as he looks at me.

"I Dont Know. Help Me Out, Will Ya." I say, pulling my best clueless face.

"Well Lets See, We've Got Cheerios,... Cheerios,... And, This Ones My Favorite... El Cheerioso."

"Well If Its A Favorite It Must Be Good. Ill Go With El Cheerioso!"

I announce stifling laughter as he grabs the box from the cabinet and gets down on one knee before presenting the box like someone would present a sword to a knight.


The rest of the morning consist of sharing the only bowl he had managed to find and trying to hit the other in the eye with cheerios.

After breakfast I helped clean up the mess of cereal on the floor and fold the blankets, abandoned in the living room.

I then left to go get ready for school after checking the clock and realizing I had 30 minutes till first period.


I chuckled as I got in my car and saw Mr. Tomlinson racing out of the building, shirt unbuttoned and Toms halfway on.

'If I get to see this everyday I think I might stay at his flat more often.'


This Was Just A Cute Idea That Came To Me...

I Hope You Like Where The Stories Heading.

Please Give Me Your Ideas, Twist Plot Changes, Or Anything You Think Will Spice This Up And I Will Try And Add As Many Ones As I Can That Are Not Too Outlandish.



Your Fellow Larry Shipper.

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