Chapter 10

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Not A Lot To Say...

Because I Know Im A Lazy Twat For Not Updating...

But Thanks For The ( Strange, Yet Amusing ) Comments(;

On With The Story!

Chapter 10:

Harry's POV-

I realize two things as awake in the ( unusual ) warmth that has consumed my bed:

For one, the duvet that has kept me comfortably warm throughout the years has made my bed unexplainably hot.

I proceed in kicking off the blanket-like cover, to come to my second shocking realization.

I was stark naked, and as my leg brushes something warm and soft, I realize that the person next to me was too.

His breathing is even and the vertical half of his body uncovered, due to my ferocious attempt at removing the cover from my steaming body.

His body was flushed and his face, squished into the pillows against the headboard. His mouth was parted and the sounds that escaped could only be described as shy snores. His hands lay fixed above his head, making for a bend in his elbow.

I had the sudden urge to kiss the silky soft skin of his back as I watched it rise and fall with each breath falling from his thin, pink lips.

My (noticeably) shaking fingers trailed across the sheets as I reached over and tentatively tugged the cover back over Louis' exposed half in an attempt to cease my rapidly escalating thoughts.

His body moved into the warmth and he snuggled deeper into the pillows where his head rested.

I retracted my fingers quickly as they brushed against the hot flesh of his arm, and moved them to rest by my sides.

My mind raced as I tried to tried to clear it of sleep-filled thoughts, and instead focus on the beautiful man before me. I could feel my insides churning with an unexplainable excitement as I looked his sleeping form over.

My breathing was short and choppy as I reached over, this time, to run my fingers gently through his tousled bed head. His hair was still soft, give a few nots here and there, yet still upholding its velvety quality, even through sleep.

All too soon I felt him lulling awake, causing my hand to jerk away from his hair, in case of any morning after regrets.

I stayed frozen in place as his eyes blink open and he looks around the room, obviously trying to figure out where he was. When he looked over at me I saw a brief overlook of realization take over his face before he gave a small grin.

"Mornin" He says, grin never leaving his face as he falls back into the covers.

"G-Good Morning" I reply breathlessly, not sure how long I had been holding my breath.

He looks back over in my direction before heaving out a sigh and scooting over in my direction.

When he reaches me, he plants a sweet, lingering kiss to my lips.

"I Have A Lot Of School Work To Grade" He mumbles in between the next kiss.

"I Can Help If You Want" I find myself saying, momentarily ignoring the two papers and book report due on Monday, in which I haven't even read the assigned novel.

"No Dont Worry About It, You Probably Have Homework Anyways. Or Just Better Things To Do In General." He says, letting out a short laugh before stealing another kiss and removing himself from my body.

I watch his back as he redresses, giving a few quick kisses in between putting on his socks and shoes.

He moves towards the door, and just as he's about to leave, turns around and, giving a wide grin says,

"If You Need Anything Im Right Over There"

Pointing towards the wall on the opposite side of the hallway, insinuating that his flat is on the other side.

I can only nod wildly, knowing very well of the fool I'm making of myself as my curls flop messily across my forehead.

But as hear the sound of beautiful laughter echoing down the hall before the door shuts, I think it was worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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