Chapter 3

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Chapter Fucking Three.

*That Rhymes... Haha

I Don't Like Reading Author's Notes And I Know You Don't Either So Im Just Gonna Thank You 70 Some People For Reading And What Not...


~ ( Fun Fact #2: The Female Mind's Ability To Identify Verbal Clues, Voice Tone And Body Language, Enables Her To Know When A Person Is Lying )


Louis' P.O.V. ( It's A New Fucking Year. Time For A Change Dont'cha Think? )

What the hell just happened? I walk out of school and in less than 10 seconds I'm almost getting run down by a student. And not by just any student. The student who helped me this morning.


Yeah that's him.

And I had thought that we could actually be friends. I mean he was very friendly. And helpful.

But I guess I was wrong.

As soon as we had gotten into class this morning I had realized how popular he was. All the girls who lowered their shirts around their breast and stuck their behinds out when he walked by. He looked like he was deep in a conversation with himself though and had taken no notice to this. I was surprised by this but walked to the front of the class.

I had noticed how smug he had gotten when I denied that's girls act of trying to woo me in class. I had caught his glance afterward but he looked very uncomfortable. He tore his gaze away from mine and reconnected it with the floor to retrieve something. I turned around then and started writing questions of knowledge of the theatre on the board, not wanting to be caught staring at a student.

I wasn't going to get fired on the first day for 'attempting to seduce a student'

I had only two classes of drama so I decided to walk around and explore the university. I heard the bells go off, signaling the classes endings, and almost every time they did I was met by that curly hair. I even had a run-in with him at lunch. He had quickly grabbed his tray and rushed past me before I could get out an apology though.

Now here I was still standing in the middle of the nearly deserted parking lot thinking over the occurrences of the day.

Why did he look pissed when I was walking to my car? HE was the one who almost killed me! And then he just zoomed off like I was a dead possum on the side of the rode.

I decided that maybe I should leave before someone sees me standing out here.

Just go home and sleep on it.

I made it to the flats and slowly made it up to my door. Having only moved in last night the only thing that was really situated was the welcome mat I had placed at the door. I had gotten it to remind myself that I was and adult with a job and I was now fending for myself.

I shut and locked the door before I walked into the box filled living room. I walked over to a section of labeled boxes and started getting some of my clothes unpacked so I would have a decent selection for the week. I don't want to gross out the students by wearing the same outfit all week just because I was too lazy to unpack.

Is it weird that when I said students I didn't mean students at all. Well I guess I did mean students, just in the singular. Student. I didn't want to gross out one student. One particular student. That student bein--

*Knock. Knock. Knock

I looked up from my discombobulated mess of clothes that I had strewn out to cover the floor and looked at the clock.

Love Is Strange. Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now