Chapter 7

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Surprise Update!

I Know It's Way To Early To Be Writing But What The Hell It's Spring Break.

Hahaha Enjoy!

Chapter 7:

(Fun Fact #6: Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age. )


Then before I could even comprehend the situation, Harry was on top of me, as I lay flat on his bed.

"Harry Get Off Rig-"

I couldn't even finish, as my lips were then sealed by a warmth and hands pressed on either side of my face.

He Was Kissing Me.

Louis POV:

I was trapped between Harry's hands and my body was completely rigid under his.

He continued to kiss me, but my lips were unresponsive and my eyes, bulging out of their sockets.

This is bad. This is SO bad!

But as if my brain was not connected to the rest of my body, my eyes shut and my lips moved back with his. Now Im in deep sh*t! He's my freaking student for crying out loud. But all of these warnings were ignored as I got lost in the kiss.

Harry's hands moved to my chest, and I felt his warm fingers rubbing into my hip bones.

My hands, which were previously frozen at my sides, dug themselves into his curly hair, drawing a moan from Harry and into my mouth. I returned the moan as Harry detached himself from my lips and instead decided to lodge themselves onmy neck.

He sucked hard and moans slipped out of my mouth at every pull of his teeth. Surely there will be a mark there tomorrow and I'll have to wear a collared shirt to keep the other teachers fr-

Oh my god the other teachers!

This is why all of the rumors are going around the school.

Im a freaking pedophile!

My hands finally decided to work as I removed them from Harry's hair and instead used all of my strength (physically and sexually)

to place them on his chest and push him off.

I sat up quickly, my breathing labored as I tried to think of a fucking explanation.

But then it hit me.

Harry knew. He knew about the rumors and yet he still kissed me.

I looked over at the boy in question as he lay on his back, breathing just as heavy as me.

His eyes were still glassy and I guessed it was from the party he had just gotten back from, but from our little talk before the totally ILLEGAL snog session he seemed remotely sober.

Oh god what have I done. Okay it's one thing to make out with a student but making out with one that's intoxicated.

Im Practically Raping Him.

I jumped up quickly and turned to look at him again, spurring out a line of apologies and curses before deciding it would be best if I just left.

I turned and practically sprinted back to my flat before slumping against the door.

I looked down and would have screamed if it weren't for the fact that the walls aren't that sound proof.

I Had To Get Rid Of This Boner.

The Next Day:

I woke up the next day hoping that the previous night had only been a dream,

(A really good and arousing dream.)

But knowing it wasn't.

I packed my briefcase slowly and made sure to wait until I heard the click of Harry's door before leaving my own flat.

What has the world come to when you have to count to sixty after your neighbor leaves, before you leave too?

I close my door quietly and with my extreme amount of stealth, sneak my way out to the parking lot,double-checking that Harry's car has left before I sprint to my own.

I make it to school and make sure to park the farthest I can away from Harry.

If only I could just call in sick this morning, but I know that Harry would know what is the real reason Im not here and I can't let him have that satisfaction. Knowing that he can make me feel so uncomfortable. So I'll just have to go through my day normally and hope he doesn't notice.

Although the car thing makes it pretty obvious.


As the last bell rings and I race out to my car I almost hyperventilate because its not were I always park it. I then remember this morning and race to the other side of the parking lot. I almost make it there when I feel a hand on my shoulder and a familiar voice behind me.

Oh Sh*t.



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More Soon(:

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