Regulus Black: Chocolate

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I calmly lay on Regulus, my back pressed to his chest as I read in one of the sweaters I stole from the boy's dorm. Sirius, James and Lily sit on the floor playing exploding snaps and sharing chaotic banter. In a arm chair much to big for the boy, sits Peter eating jello, staring into the fire place in front of us.

Normally me and Regulus wouldn't be allowed in the Gryffindor common room but sense Regulus and Sirius are brothers and we're all really good friends, we can. Plus they told us the password. It's a peaceful night until around about midnight, a slamming door, and heavy, quick footsteps echo from the boy's dormitory into the Gryffindor common room where we sit. A mess haired, sleepy Remus Lupin appears from the stair Well and yells, "Who the bloody hell ate all of my chocolate!?"

Sirius smirks, and I groan in annoyance because whenever he smirks you know he has an idea. And probably a bad one at that. He says, "Moony your a werewolf not a swearwolf" Remus's growls we're quickly cut off by James saying, "Werewolf?"

Sirius simply points to Remus and says "there-wolf." Remus huffs and says, "Are we seriously doing this?"

"I'm Sirius" Padfoot adds with a snicker.

"Prongs help me!" Says Remus with a tired look.

"Sorry your all too deer to me." James replies. I try not to laugh as I say, "Good one James!"

Remus groans, "Y/N!"

"Oh rats we're doing this again?" Squeaks Peter. We all look at Lily expectantly so she finally gives in, "Lily guys?"

As all this goes on I notice from the corner of my eye, Regulus watching me with an amused look and adoring hazel eyes. Soon enough everybody's giggles turn into full on laughter. It makes me feel like I'm floating on clouds and with all the crazy things that are happening right now this makes me so very happy and gives me a snuggly warm feeling of being home. Poor Remus mumbles incoherent things under his breath, not liking how we all just ganged up on him.

As we all calm down Remus says, "But who ate my chocolate?" We all look at James who starts panicking, because we all now how Remus gets without his chocolate around a full moon. He can be very scary.

Prongs throws up his hands and says, "I'm sorry! Lily was on her monthly and threatened to break up with me if I didn't get her chocolate because I had forgotten to buys some earlier!"

Remus's face is now going red and he shouts without thinking, "Yeah? Well it's my time of the month and my chocolate Is gone!" We all go deathly silent as Remus's face pales at what he said until I start trying to hold in the laughter that is begging to burst out off me. I accidently fall off of Regulus and the coach, my book long forgetton and I hit the ground with a thump.

Everybody turns their heads to peer curiously at me, my body sprawled on the floor as my laughter breaks out and I clutch my stomach and let tears of joys spring from my eyes. This causes everyone to try to hold back their laughter for Remus's sake but they very easily fail.

Remus throws his hands in the air and says, "Bastards. You all bastards. What did I expect?"

Regulus picks me up soon enough as my laughter simmers down to a giggle. His breathing and the quiet chatter of our friends slowly lull my to sleep as Regulus calmly plays with my hair, twirling it around with his fingers and continues his own book with his other hand.

Hi, this is my first book/imagine I have ever written so I hope it's not to cringe, but I would like to say something. I am fine with people joking around in the comments but if I see any inappropriate comments I will be blocking you from commenting more on this book, so please be respectful and I really hope you enjoy these. I will update this book whenever I can. Thank you so much! Also I love the marauders and if you guys have any suggestions of books with them in it to read, I would love to know!

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