Shoto Todoroki: floating on clouds

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                       - Shoto's POV -
I'm going to take Y/N to meet mom, I would love for them to meet. I talk to my mother often about my girlfriend, Y/N and she's excited to meet her but I still feel nervous. But there no time for that because as Y/N walks beside me we near the hospital.

Sliding doors open for us and I check in with a nurse before guiding Y/N to my mother's room. I love both of them dearly but what if they don't like each other? No, that won't happen they both are the two kindest people I've ever met in my life so I'm sure they'll get along. Y/N puts her and in mine and grips it, I look down to her and she looks like she's about to be sick.

"Love do you need a doctor? You look sick, I'm sure I can find you a nurse we are in a hospital." I say concerned.

She giggles and looks up at me, "No it's okay Shoto, I'm just nervous to meet you mom."

I shake my head, my fluffy hair shifting and reassure her, "You will be fine, she already loves the mere idea of you."

She frowns and asks curiously, "What-"

But before she can finish we arrive and I open the door for her, I squeeze her hand in hopes it will make her feel better and let go. Her warm hand leaves mine cold and I'm tempted to take hold of hers once more.

"Mom, I'm back with my girlfriend, Y/N."

She turns to us from her window, sets down her book and greets us with a bright smile, "Hello you two! Thank you for coming Y/N, I have really been wanting to meet you."

Y/N blushes, it may just be the most beautiful thing if ever seen, and smiles back, "Hi, I'm happy to be here. Thanks for inviting me!"

My mom's smile gets impossibly wider and says, "why don't you two sit down, I have so much to ask about."

I lead Y/N to a small coach and we sit down and get comfortable, Y/N'S smile hasn't left her face this whole time though she looks quite shy now. "Um, so how much do you two visit?"

We start a lightly conversation and soon enough mom and my love are bonding, making connections over certain books, movie and even embarrassing moments. They share stories, laugh and both look like they are having a lovely time. I let out a sigh of relief and soon enough an hour passes. I enjoy watching them, my mother and my sweet Y/N getting along so well it makes my heart melt.

"I think I'm going to go get some water, would you two like anything?" I ask, noticing my throat get dry. They both shake their heads and I leave them to it.

As I walk back, I've water in hand I hear both women's voices talking in hushed sounds, so I listen. Usually I would respect their privacy but I'm very curious.

"How does Shoto make you feel?" My mother's voice asks quietly.

Y/N says in the same tone, "I don't know, I used to get butterflies all the time but now, well now I feel warm around him. Like I'm safe, like he's home and I know he'll always be there for me. It makes me feel like I'm float on fluffy clouds."

"Really?" My mother questions.

"Um... Yeah. It's a weird feeling because I feel so fragile when I feel like that."

My mother practically sings, "Your in love with him!"

My mouth gapes open, we have never said I love you before so if this is true then...

"Maybe I am." Y/N answers.

My heart beat quickens and I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I wait a few minutes before knocking on the door and letting myself in. They smile at my return and I can see my mom inspect my blush. She looks from me to Y/N before winking at me and starting a new conversation.


It felt necessary to write something today, on Shoto's birthday 1/11/22 so here you go! This bite of sweetness, it may be short but like... It's so CUTE! If I met her she would be so cute but I would feel like throwing up because of nervousness.

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