Regulus Black: Spilling Secrets

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                   - Regulus's POV-

My head pounds and I'm covered in a sheen of sweat when I awake. Last night we Slytherins hosted a giant party for finishing OWLS, and let's just say, it got crazy, very, very quickly. I can't even remember much from how much I drank and as I pull off the covers I notice I'm still in the same clothes as last night, thankfully my shoes aren't on. No question, I drank way to much last night, thankfully there is no way my parents will find out because they would be furious. I shiver and groan, I don't want to move but I make myself sit up anyway.

I find a glass and Advil pills on my bed side and realize someone must have helped my to bed. Immediately my mind goes to Y/N, her sweet smile and helpful nature, she would have wanted to stay beside me with all the drinks I had. Despite the pain I'm in and can't help but smile, before quickly swallowing a pill and gulping down the water. I wait until I'm less light headed until I stand and make my way to the bathroom.

I grab a jumper, trousers, socks and underwear before checking the mirror as the water heats up. My roommate are all gone so I assume they are at breakfast already.

After I bit I get out of the shower, dry off and get ready for the day. I head to the great hall quicking my pace to see Y/N sooner, my heart speeds and I try to keep cool and not blush. She really is a dream, she has always been here for me and I know she always will be. I want to thank her for the help last night, hopefully we can spend the day together again.

As soon as I walk through the faint doors and walk to the Slytherin table people whisper and look at me. I ignore them, curious on what there mumbling about before looking around and spotting Y/N. I walk over to her and plop myself beside her. Poori g myself tea and turn to thank her and see her staring at me, pink cheeks and fluffy hair.

"Uh, what? Do I have something ony face?" I ask her. She shakes her head and looks down, not making eye contact. My heart tugs a little but I ignore it, we haven't fought or anything so why is she acting like this?

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping me to bed last night."

She looks up at me and says, "You remember that?"

I shakey head and say, "No but the muggle medicine and water on my bedside table told me enough."

"Oh, ok. It was no problem." She sounded almost hurt that I didn't remember. Apparently done with her breakfast she stands and walks away mumbling an excuse about studying. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and I track my brother down knowing he was also at the party with his friends.

"What happened last night? What did I do to Y/N?" I ask Sirius.

"Relax loverboy you didn't do anything to her."

"Then what happened? Why is she acting all quiet and embarrassed?"

Sirius scratches his head and looks like he'd rather not say so Remus, who sits in front of Sirius, says, "You told her, in front of everybody, very loudly I might add, that you like her."

My eyes grow wide and I stand still, not even knowing how to process the information. I let out a breathe before unfreezing, I race out of the great hall and run as fast as I can to the library to find Y/N. Slughorn yells at my to not run through the halls and I simply yell back, "Sorry professor, emergency!"

I run till I can't breathe and I only stop once I find her in a small corner in the library, reaching up for a book that's to high for her. I smile before walking behind her, I'm practically pressed up against her back as I grab the book for her. She turns around, surprised, a squeak escapes her and I hand her the book, putting some space before us. "Sorry, it looked like you could use some help."

She smiles, blushing again and says gently, "it's fine Reg, did you need me?"

I nod and say, "Sirius told me what happened last night and I'm so sorry. I know I over stepped, I was drunk and didn't know what I was saying. If you just want to be friends that's okay but just know I really like you and it may take a while for me to-"

Before I can finish my sentence Y/N's arms are wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight hug. Not haven gotten many of these before I still but slowly, I melt into her soft touch. She whispers just loud enough for me to here, "I like you too."

I tighten my hold and snuggle my head into her hair so that she won't be able to see the deep blush spreading across my cheeks.

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