Harry Holland: The Drive Home

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This is based on the song 'Tear In My Heart' by twenty-one pilots. I apologize in advanced because a lot of these will be based off of songs. Also this is in Harry's point of view
As we drive the long way home, I look to my right and see Y/N slowly drifting to sleep. She keeps nodding off causing her h/c  hair to get all jumbled up, her eyes flutter open once more when she tries to stay awake as the sun slowly sets. I smile and say, "Love, go to sleep. We have a long drive ahead of us "

she shakes here head and says, "But then you'll be bored and lonely." I feel my heart melt at the sight of her and what she just said though she needs sleep.

"It's okay Y/N/N, go to sleep. Please? For me?" She groans but does so anyways without much protest. I start thinking about our photoshoot, I got some great pictures and sneakily took some of her with her dazzling eyes and shy smile. I love that she loves photography too, it gives us another thing to bond over. I hear a almost inaudible snore and look over to her seat to find her cuddled up to the window, slightly drooling as she always does. She thinks it's embarrassing but I find it adorable.

Y/N hates me taking photos of her too and I'm not sure why 'cause she's bloody gorgeous. I look farther ahead in the road and see a massive pot hole so as soon as we drive closer I go around it to make sure it doesn't wake up the queen beside me. I give the government money, why can't they use my taxes to fix the pot holes, their ridiculous bastards. I start thinking about Y/N'S and my relationship. I swear she just walked right into my heart and stole it, cutting deeper into it more than anyone ever has.

I have never felt this way about anyone before, it's an entirely new feeling to me and it's got me bloody mixed up. Sometimes I almost break down seeing her smile. How her eyes light up when I walk into the room, and just knowing she feels the same way about me that I do her. At these moments I could never be happier in my life then to just be in the presence of my living goddess. The lads think it's annoying how much I talk about her and tease me all the time. Mum thinks it's endearing and talks my ear off about it. But all of it is worth it for Y/N.

She is the most precious thing in the world, with that cute nose, majestic eyes and the most beautiful personality someone could ever have all stuffed into one person who may just be the one for me now that I think about it. I look at her once more and realize she's wearing the same dress I saw her wear on the day I came back from one of my work trips.

I walked into our flat only to hear her singing at the top of her lungs. I followed the voice Into the kitchen, we're she twirled around mixing a batch of cookies. As she twirled to face me she dropped the bowl, pouncing at me in a hug making me stumble back and chuckle as I held her. I could feel her start to tremble and she started crying, I pulled away to see what was wrong, when in here cute little voice she mumbles something I didn't quite catch. I said, "Sorry love, what was that?"

Still worried about her, she says louder "I missed you so much, a whole month is to long o-okay? Please don't do that again... At least have me come with you, okay? I-I love you."

We had never said that before but I knew my answer so I said, " Bloody hell, I love you too" both our smiles turned into large goofy grins and after that Y/N came along with me and that may have been the best day of my life but this is a close second. As the world fades into darkness I hum along to the radio and say good night to the world as it falls to sleep without me.
Hi, once someone actually sees this, if you want you can put in a request for one of the people I write about in this but has to be fluffy no spicy stuff, thank you!

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