Shoto Todoroki: Late night Snacks

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I pull my self away from Shoto, who is sleeping beside me and cautiously get out of bed trying not to wake my peppermint prince but he awakes anyway and whines softly. He opens one of his eyes to look at me sleepily and asks in a heart melting voice, "Where are you going, darling?"

I smile softly though I know he can't see it in the dark and say, "just a quick snack run, okay?" He nods sleepily, his red and white hair in a messy mix. So I quickly slip out of the room hoping to gobble down something quickly because his dorm is really cold and I want to get back to his warmth. So as soon as I get to the kitchen I grab some applesauce and pour some into a small bowl. As I finish half of it a sleepy Kirishima walks in, rubbing his eyes. He looks exhausted, he wears a giant old grey t-shirt and some pajama pants, his red hair sticking out every which way, some how more messy then usual.

He grabs a jug of milk and opens the top before I say, "your not gonna drink that from the jug right?"

He turns to me surprised and says with a frown, "That was the plan." I shake my head a nod to the cabinet full of cups. Red Riot groans and mutters "Fine." Under his breath as he pour's himself a glass.

"You can't sleep either?"

Kirishima shakes his head and says, "Believe it or not its because Bakugo talks in his sleep, he currently his yelling at Izuku or something in his dream."

Smiling I say, "Oh I know, I've heard him on my to the bathroom before."

He chuckles and asks, "So why are you up?"

I shrug simply and say, "to cold I guess, and kinda hungry." I nod to my bowl of applesauce before eating more. We talk more for a bit til I finish my food and say, "Right, I'm gonna head to bed, night Redhead, I hope you gets some sleep!"

He waves and says "Thanks, sleep well."

I waddle down the hall back to Shotos room and slip back in, I lay in bed finally feeling a little warmer but it's still pretty cold. I shiver and Shoto hums quietly and pulls me close to him, unconcouisly heating up his left half to keep me comfortably warm. He really is my personal heater, "Good night Shoto, love ya"

He says apparently on the verge of awake and asleep, "Good night darling." He cuddles his head into neck, tickling it with his warm breath as I wrap my arms around him, our bodies melting together like we were made for each other.

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