Chapter 9: The cheesy concept of "Robuts"

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You returned to Your boss's lair. You felt happy and safe that you were on the couch made of cheese, you decided to turn on the TV and watch the only channel that had good service "the cheese channel" . It was nothing but advertisements and information about cheseums but yet you somehow got into it. You watched it for about 3 hours until the boss entered "hey kid come over here!" You entered what definitely looked to be his room. He had 7 versions of the science outfit he always wore, his bed and you noticed a box that was supposed to serve as a night table and on the box there was a picture of a woman and a man standing in front of a palace-like structure. You wondered why he had a photo of two complete strangers.He saw you curiously staring at the framed photo, he ran to snatch the photo as quick as he could "DONT TOUCH THAT!" you stared in shock, he looked like he looked as if he was about to cry. You wanted to comfort him as much as you could, he began speaking while sniffling "do you see a resemblance? Any whatsoever?" he handed you the photo, you took one look at it,  then a really deep.You still could see nothing similar to the man. "Are you serious?!" he gave you a look of disbelief, he was trying to form his words "that was me...Doctor Steven Boxlietner.." you thought about it for a solid second then remembered back in the day the Wordgirl shorts they would post on the PBS kids website, the ones showing Steven Boxleitner."There was an experiment with him involving a mouse, he got distracted by a silly sandwich and then ZAP! That's when He- I mean I became Doctor Two-Brains'' He sat on his bed and began to silently cry "b-but thats not why i called you, I called you because...well darn i can't remember what i was going to say, sorry kid"he escorted you out of his room, you had nothing to do but go back to the couch, just when you were about to sit down an idea had hit you! What if you came up with a way to get rid of wordgirl! Forever! No more Wordgirl means The boss can have anything he wants in fair city and in the entire world! But how will he have access to EVERYTHING? You then remembered you still had possession of one thing.The very thing that got you here.

The very next day though, you woke up and you were off the couch, you were hidden under one of Two-Brains's Ray under a long thin blanket, you lifted the blanket slightly, you saw Doctor Two-Brains and some kid having a brawl,  you were trying to get a glimpse of the figure your boss was facing, you realized who it was, you suddenly felt deep hatred, that You finally encountered wordgirl,"this is the moment!" you said to yourself with deep seriousness, you needed to act and fast, you spotted Two-Brains's Cheese ray right next to you under the ray, they were still fighting each other when Wordgirl had him tied up in a rope,"this time two-brains, you're going to prison permanently!'she said with pride "do ya need me to define it for you?"she said sarcastically," You went to a spot where you and Wordgirl were at a pretty close position, two-brains had a very worried look on his face about going to jail and never leaving, he then stared at her and for a split second he looked at you, he knew what you were about to do, and for all he knew ,Wordgirl had no idea that day was going to be her last. Wordgirl was about to take Two-Brains to jail when he said "no...but can you define defeat?" He said with a smile "Wow I'm surprised! You should know what it means, you DO know a lot of other complicated words!" And at that point you have had enough!

You took a deep breath

And got your fingers near the trigger

And fired....

She turned around in shock, she tried to form words, but they couldn't come out in time 


Those were the last words from Wordgirl.

She had been turned into a shocked cheese statue for her remaining days.

You looked at Two-Brains who was showing no exact emotion, just a serious blank face."You...You actually did" you pulled a scared face "a-are you at least proud of me?" you said,"i...I don't know...I need a minute..." you ran outside where you always did, you wanted to cry so badly but a part of you felt great because you just got rid of a huge threat to your bosses plans and bad, not because you just killed of the cities only superhero but because you left two-brains with new mixed feelings about you.

Did he even want you anymore?

Did you lose your only home in this dimension

Were you about to lose the one you loved?

All of the questions flooded in your head, until something created a big shade under you, you looked up and saw a giant metal foot, you ran as fast as you could away from it,it missed you thankfully, you wanted to see where it was coming from so you followed the robots, it lead to a young blonde boy with big black glasses, with a blue shirt and orange vest.The boy looked bored, like he was waiting for something..or someone..You also knew this kid from the show so you decided to talk to him to hopefully gain a new ally."Hi" you tried to start off the conversation on a good note, he sighed "do you ever someone and you're not sure if they like you back?" he started to say. " you want to see her?..." you said with a questioning tone in your voice,"you don't even know who i'm talking about!" "I might surprise you" you replied, you and the boy then headed towards the warehouse.You and then boy then took a pause at the warehouse door "Um before we enter can I have your name?" you said "Theodore Tobey Mcallister the third" he said with confidence,"how about you?" he looked at you with a small cute smile "(R/N)" you responded back.You then opened the door.Worried about Your bosses response, to your surprise he was actually just watching t.v with his henchmen. "Oh hey kid! and...Tobey?" he looked perplexed at the young boy "Doctor Two-Brains? Why?..."he then noticed a Wordgirl shaped item under a blanket, he lifted it up, and in a flash his face went from curiosity to complete horror. He turned to Two-Brains then to you, "W-WHY? S-SHE SHES...." he then started to laugh hysterically "S-SHE'S ACTUALLY GONE Y-YOU ACTUALLY-" he ran as fast as he could away from you as possible, you could hear his laughter in the distance. On the ground you saw a small toy like object

It was a robot

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