Chapter 10: Going back:Something I NEVER wanted to do

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You woke up as usual,You observed everything like you always did, you expected to see the Tv, The cheesed Wordgirl covered under a cloth, but what you saw instead was your tv from your house, your posters on the walls and the bed you hadn't slept on for a week now, and the door you would walk in and out from everyday and standing near you was your mother who looked extremely relieved to see your face again "welcome back sweet thing!" she said with a choked up voice wiping a tear from her eye, you panicked "W-W-WHAT?! W-WHERE?! WHERE IS HE?! T-TWO BRAINS? TOBEY?! E-EILEEN?! W-WORDG-GIRL?! T-THIS HAD TO BE FAKE! I CAN'T BE HERE! I-I SHOULDN'T!! W-WHY?" you said with the utmost fear, "you're finally back home! Your friends and a man in a wheelchair dropped you off, you were sleeping at the time so i put you on your bed, you looked at everything quickly but you looked down and had your regular pajamas on, "what are you looking for (R/N)?" you looked at her with a disappointed face "nothing mom..just..glad to be back" your mom left the room with relief in her eyes.

You went to the side of your bed, you noticed your bag made it back to the 3rd dimension with you, you opened the bag and to your surprise what the bag contained shocked you.

In the bag was your headband, the shirt with Two-Brains's logo, the lab coat, and The slingshot. You still had a chance to return! You just needed to do it at the right time.

"(R/N) I'M GOING TO THE SUPER DELUXE BIG SURPRISE SUPERMARKET IN QUEENS SO IT'S GONNA TAKE ME SOME TIME! SEE YOU IN A COUPLE HOURS!" you weren't in the mood "OKAY MAA!" Then she left. You missed fair city already even though it wasn't even afternoon yet, decided to go back as soon as possible,BUT you DID just come back home, so maybe you should brake the news to her in an easier way.So you opened a portal hole again but this time it was to bring something from the other side.You went back to fair city to bring Your new allies to the 3rd dimension, you went to your former bosses warehouse and waited for the door to open "ohhh what should i say? What should I say?!" you thought deeply to yourself, you saw him crying on the cheese couch where you used to sleep at the time, "D-Doctor Two-Brains sir?" he looked up immediately, hope flashed in his red eyes "K-kid?! K-KID?!" you looked at him back with a confirming response he ran to you and looked down at yo "where did you go?! How did you get back?!" he asked quickly, the dairy villain's monthly lie wasn't going to work anymore "Doc...I will be honest with you..." you began "i am...not...from here..." it was hard to continue your explanation, " another....dimension.." "kid...i already know...these children and that disgusting doctor tubing told me everything.." "but doc...that's not why i'm back..just one quick you have dinner with me?" you asked nervously "ooo dinner? Will there be cheese?! Ooh i'd love a good pizza or quesadilla or mac n cheese oh boy those sound good right about now!" He had a happy look on his face. You opened the portal and held his gloved hand through the portal. You and him went across slowly, while you two were almost fully across you noticed his figure became was becoming 3 dimensional, his hands were no longer drawings his face became more disturbing, mostly because you were so used to seeing him in 2D that looking at him in your dimension it feels very off, you and Two-Brains sat at the table "so uh..where's the food?" he asked impatiently "it'll be here soon" you guys waited for your mom to come back from the really big supermarket. After a few more long minutes your mom returned "hi sweetie i'm ba-" she looked at you and the stranger who somehow got access to your home, "mom" you said trying not to be weird "this is Stev-" "DON'T CALL ME THAT NAME" Two-Brains interrupted " Mr.Steve Boxer..." you could tell she was deeply upset with you "he is-well was..a substitute teacher in my class" he tried to make the conversation less awkward "h-how ya doin?" he said with the most sincerity he could gather in his voice "hello there sir...welcome to this residence" she said with the least emotion in her voice, dinner will be ready in a bit" Two-brains whispered in your ear "Yeesh and i thought that date with Lady Redundant woman was boring!" he started to uncontrollably laugh, you gave him a disapproving head shake, he stopped laughing immediately, "so uh what's for dinner?" your mom started "we are having casserole, salad and Macaroni and cheese, you could tell He was ecstatic when he heard mac and cheese."so what are you going to have (R/N)?" you were confused at the fact that she was no longer referring to you as "sweetie" or "sweet thing" or "sweet pie" but just your first name. I'll take some salad and I think Steve will take some mac and cheese1''(R/N) dont assume what other people want-" Two-Brains Interrupted "NO NO mac and cheese is perfect thank you!" your mom gave you and him a side eye "alright dinners ready" you and two-brains were happy to eat.You ate, chatted with each other while you mom observed cautiously. "Alright mom i'll walk steve downstairs" mom waved good night to steve. You and Steve arrived at the first floor of your building "alright kid time to go back home!" you opened up the portal and escorted two brains inside "kid? Aren't ya coming?" you gave him a head shake "ill be back soon" you said "count on it" you watched the portal close and you went back upstairs, you closed the door and arrived to a very disturbed and furriated mother. You knew that you were dead meat.

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