our Christmas theme

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Obito's pov

It's been half a month since Kakashi and me started liking each other, we haven't asked 1 another out yet but I'm planning to soon. I'm just really scared, and I don't think Kakashi knows if he's ready or not, so I'm just waiting for the perfect time. It's near Christmas although it hasn't snowed yet, it's my favorite time of the year, I really love the snow and presents! but this year, I'm most excited to spend every second of it with my love. I still don't know what to get him for Christmas, but whatever it is, it will be great for him. I'm in my room trying to wrap presents for my friends and family but it's not working out very well. All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door, so I shut my bedroom door to make sure whoever it was didn't get a sneak peek if their gift was there. I opened my door to see a beautiful short Katake, I smiled "hey Kashi!" I said happily "Hey Obito" he said while smiling, he had his mask on but I could tell, although it was hard for everyone else to know what he was feeling with that mask. Since I didn't have Kashi's gift yet, I let him come in, we walked to my room where we would talk while I would try to wrap. We got in my room and Kakashi tried to hide his laugh but it was obvious. "what? I'm not that good at wrapping I know but it's not that bad." after I said that he offered to help and I gladly took it....I was very desperate. "are you good at wrapping Kakashi?" I asked as he sat on my bed and grabbed Minato's gift. "dunno, never wrapped one before." that threw me off, I gave him a confused look "what do you mean? do you just like....give your friends the gift its self with no paper around it or?...."  He just stood there looking at the gift "I didn't have any friends until I decided to see you as one Obito...Rin is just a girl that is weirdly in love with me, and Minato is an adult who teaches us things. I don't really know anything about them but they seem to know some stuff about me, I guess I'm just not good with people...." he said still looking at the gift with the blank expression he has when he's either sad or can't feel anything but tries to hide it. I remember seeing him like that a lot of times when we started to like each other more, he was mainly like that when he thought of his parents. I felt sorry so I got closer to him and hugged him and played with his hair "well, ill help you get some gifts and well give Rin and Minato a gift we could also give Kushina a gift, I heard she's pregnant and its a boy." although I couldn't really see his face, I could tell he was smiling. We finished wrapping the gifts and they didn't turn out perfect, but it was an experience we could always use more help for next year. Time goes by but I still can't figure out a present for Kakashi, it's like everything I want to get him doesn't feel right, there were 3 more days until Christmas and I still haven't gotten anything. Everyone's gifts had been put in my closet, I even got Rin a gift since she isn't as bad as when me and Kakashi started being love-like, but Kakashi has been the only one that I haven't gotten a gift for. I go over all the things he likes but nothing seems right. That's when it hit me "mistletoe" I said, I decided that I will ask him to be mine under the mistletoe. Honestly, I think that's the best Christmas gift ever.

Kakashi's pov

When Obito said that he'll help me get a gift for everyone, it made me happy, but what about his gift? I went to the store and it felt like hours just to look for a stupid gift....well...that stupid gift was for a stupid someone who I love. I look over to see 2 rings, and I knew that they were perfect.

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