The ring

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(ok, I haven't been on her for a while so I might mess up a lot, I don't remember a lot of the story so if you have questions about anything please let me know!)

Obito's pov

I have been up for a while and saw that it was 7 in the morning and I saw Kashi still asleep, I got up and started to make breakfast. I was rethinking the dream I had last night... I was proposing to Kakashi, it felt so real, so beautiful. I woke up after dreaming it and I couldn't fall back asleep, I had that dream at least 3 hours ago, and I couldn't get it out of my head. What if it's time? what if were finally ready for this? I know it hasn't been that long since we saw each other again, but even while I was gone, we still deeply loved each other...

No ones pov

Obito decided to make breakfast for Kakashi and put it in the microwave for when he woke up, Obito left a note by Kakashi and decided to go out and get a very special ring for Kakashi, something that just might change their lives forever. Not too long after, Kakashi woke up, he felt sad not to feel his boyfriend's warmth next to him, but his focus quickly went to the note next to him

Morning love, I went out to get some food since we are a little low. There is breakfast in the microwave for you, ill be back soon. I love you so much, try not to miss me too much ok Kashi? I'll see you when I get back.

Kakashi felt his heart skip a beat from the touching letter, he got up for the day and ate.

Skip to a few hours later, still my pov!

Obito picked out a beautiful ring that he's been secretly saving up for, he finally decided on a ring that just has a few small diamonds, it would fit just right with Kakashi. 

He knew it was the one

Obito decided that today was the day, he told the rest of team 7 to go ahead and tell Kakashi to dress up and get ready to go at 4:30 because he and Obito were going out to eat

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Obito decided that today was the day, he told the rest of team 7 to go ahead and tell Kakashi to dress up and get ready to go at 4:30 because he and Obito were going out to eat. Obito told team 7 what he was about to do, and they helped him get ready, he got a suit and a haircut to look sharp. As soon as 4:00 hit, Obito decided to go ahead and get Kakashi, Kakashi wore a simple black turtle neck shirt with black kinda ripped jeans and a k drama long nude coat. 

Obito wore a dark blue button-down shirt with fancy black jeans and a black jacket suit

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Obito wore a dark blue button-down shirt with fancy black jeans and a black jacket suit. Kakashi blushed, he's never seen Obito dressed up like this. "so, where is that food you were getting" Kakashi said smirking teasingly, knowing he didn't really get any " I... didn't get them... actually?" Obito said awkwardly since he knows he fucked up. Kakashi just laughed at him 'he must have been nervous to ask me out. "Let's go, I'm hungry!" Kakashi said happily. They walked over to a fancy restaurant and had a lot of fun, they ate and drank and laughed, Kakashi was so happy, he knew from the moment he saw Obito that he loved him. Obito forgot all about being nervous to propose, he knew what he wanted, if it was too early for Kakashi, he knew he could wait. They left the restaurant and held hands while walking down the street, both have never been happier. All of a sudden, Obito stopped while still holding Kakashi's hand, Kakashi stops as well, he was confused. Obito let out a deep sigh and looked deep into Kakashi's eyes, he put his other hand out to hold the smaller hand. Neither of them said anything, just enjoying the silent moment between them, looking deep into each other's eyes. Obito smiled "Bakashi, iv loved you for so long, no one has ever made me happier, I love you so much. so... that's why..." Kakashi gasped as he saw the love of his life slowly get down on one knee and take out a small box. "I want to spend the rest of my days with you... Kashi..." Kakashi couldn't take his eyes off of the box, as soon as Obito opened it, Kakashi started to cry "Kakashi Hatake, my love, will you marry me?" Kakashi just stared at the ring, he was trying to answer without sobbing. "Obito... I..."

" I dont think...."

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